Monday, August 31, 2015

White Resonant Dog/ White Spectral Wind - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 9

figure of dog
Ceramic Dog. 200 BCE-200 CE. Colima, Mexico.

White Resonant Dog

Within my Soul

There shines a Diamond

Point of Purity

Where Love abides –

And Life sings on forever. 

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 150: White Resonant Dog

I channel in order to love
Inspiring loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of spirit
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.

The Path, though unitive, appears different to each individual.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in 

Muladhara Chakra  (Seli Plasma)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Red Rhythmic Moon/ Red Planetary Dragon - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 8

Mayan codex Dresden - The Moon Goddess; illness and birth
The Moon Goddess: Illness and Birth. Dresden Codex.

Red Rhythmic Moon

Of another Mother

Am I born

Re-born and born again –

Out of the triple Womb

Out of the triple Goddess

Out of the silent silver Moon. 

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 149: Red Rhythmic Moon

I organize in order to purify
Balancing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.

If you want to know the way or purpose of life, then study your higher Self.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in 

Sahasrara Chakra  (Dali Plasma)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Yellow Overtone Star/ Yellow Solar Sun - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 7

Maya Rabbit Scribe. Princeton University Museum. New Jersey. USA.

Yellow Overtone Star

My Soul is a Fire
Hot and wild

My Soul is a River
Like the River Nile

Full of splendor and story
Indifferent to Propriety

He flies through the Night

To Hippocrene* on Helicon**

My Genius –

My Pegasus***

My wingèd White.

*Hippocrene (Fountain of the Horse):  A spring created when Pegasus kicked Mount Helicon, sacred to the Muses (goddesses of artistic expression); regarded as the living water of the soul as well as the source of poetic inspiration.

**Helicon:  A mountain in central Greece; regarded by the ancients as the abode of Apollo and the Muses.

***Pegasus:  The winged steed that sprang from the decapitated body of Medusa; symbolic of flights of creative imagination.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 148: Yellow Overtone Star

I empower in order to beautify
Commanding art
I seal the store of elegance
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.

We are meant to become cosmically activated bioeletromagnetic plasma generators.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

 The Sacred Tzolk'in

Anahata Chakra  (Silio Plasma)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Blue Self-Existing Hand/ Blue Galactic Storm - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 6

Cancuen Panel. Maya lowlands, possibly Cancuén. Late Classic (ca. A.D. 799) Height: 97 cm; Width: 130 cm; thickness: 10 cm. Guatemala Register of Cultural Property No. Photo credit Jorge Pérez de Lara.

Blue Self-Existing Hand


Because you are now

Free to fly, I shine, glisten 

And glimmer like a 

Clear, crystal tear on the tip

Of your out-stretched feathered wing.

*Tanka: A Japanese form of poetry comprised of five lines and 31 syllables: five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables respectively.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 147: Blue Self-Existing Hand

I define in order to know
Measuring healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of abundance
I am a galactic activation portal
enter me.

We must be honest with ourselves to see things clearly and objectively, so that we can judge rationally and not allow ourselves to be carried away by prejudice or passion.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-0216.

The Sacred Tzolk'in

Manipura Chakra  (Limi Plasma)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

White Electric World-Bridger/ White Resonant Mirror - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 5

Image result for mictecacihuatl story
The Aztec goddess, Mictecacihuatl, served as the Queen of the Underworld. 

White Electric World-Bridger

The Bullies birth the Saints
Long-suffering –

An Age in Years one hundred
And Four Thousand long -

Then Alphabet turns Hieroglyph –
And Cries of Grief to Song.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 146: White Electric World-Bridger

I activate in order to equalize
Bonding opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of heart
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.

A true seer views the world as illusion and transmutes lower energies into enlightened states of mind in an instant.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

 The Sacred Tzolk'in

Visshudha Chakra  (Alpha Plasma)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Red Lunar Serpent/ Red Rhythmic Earth - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 4

Mayan Vision Serpent. Yaxchilan. Mexico.

Red Lunar Serpent

Let us move our mourning to Thanksgiving
Giving up despair for Second Sight
That we may count ourselves among the Living
Vision defeating blindness to the Light
Between us many obstacles arise
To block our path of Faith around the Earth
But when at last we see with Spirit’s Eyes
The poison snake of sadness dies at Birth
Our Gratitude and Faith forever sound
In ringing psalms of Memory and Praise
Beyond the walls of sorrow we are found
While hymns of heav’nly Joy fill all our days.

All Thanks to you, our pure and gentle Dove
Progenitor of Faith’s eternal Love.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 145: Red Lunar Serpent

I polarize in order to survive
Stabilizing instinct
I seal the store of life force
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of navigation.

When we tune into the channel of Cosmic History our minds unfold into the various thinking layers of the universe.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

 The Sacred Tzolk'in

Svadhistana Chakra  (Kali Plasma)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Yellow Magnetic Seed/ Yellow Overtone Warrior - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 3

The Sacrum Pectoral from the Ahaw Collection has 8 holes in it, as does the 
 human sacrum. Lateral suspension holes are not visible in this view. 
 Photograph of Sacrum Pectoral (courtesy Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes).

Yellow Magnetic Seed

Moving up and out
In the here and now
Am I
Nor Shadow nor Shade
Nor Partner nor Maid
Am I
Whole and complete
Aware and replete with Wisdom
Am I
Unchained – unbowed – unmarried
Free to choose – choosing Freedom
Am I
Alert and fierce
Graceful and giving
Am I
Creating – destroying – preserving
All that comes to matter
Am I
Daughter – Sister – Mother
 Woman – Friend
Am I
The Voice that in the End
Bridges Space between the Worlds
I Am.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 144: Yellow Magnetic Seed

I unify in order to target
Attracting awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled.

It is a sacred struggle to pass from the conditioned self to the Self of higher harmony; to remain awake in the midst of conditioned social factors which lull us into a waking sleep.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in

Ajna Chakra  (Gamma Plasma)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Blue Cosmic Night/ Blue Self-Existing Eagle - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 2

Tezcatlipoca (Smoking Mirror), Patron of the Night. Aztec.

Blue Cosmic Night

Into high Symbol
We go
And low also

Initiation transforms Soul
Life puts on meaning
Like a golden Gown

But first to the dark Night
The Underworld of War –
Wotan’s* Ecstasy

The wave of time/space crests
As Cataclysm turns
Trinity into Quaternity
Hamlet becomes Faust

Descend then to the Mothers –
Sacred Goddess’ Diadem
Earth’s Mysteries bequeath
A New Jerusalem!

*Wotan: one-eyed Teutonic god with an insatiable appetite for war and power – symbol of blind violence.

©Kleomichele Leeds 


Kin 143: Blue Cosmic Night

I endure in order to dream
Transcending intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.

The soul urges the human to translate its experiences of the sensory realm into the imagery of the imaginal realm, and then express it through art.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in

Muladhara Chakra  (Seli Plasma)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

White Crystal Wind/ White Electric Wizard - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 1

Image result for mayan wind god
Mayan Wheel, Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England. August 2004 (photo: Lucy Pringle).

White Crystal Wind

In and out

The Sea heaves

And deeply breathes

Herself awake

At morning Tide –

The Breeze

A cleansing Current

Of Limpid salty Air

Giving up Debris

In a frothy Fit

She leaves and bequeaths

Flotsam and Jetsam

Crystal Shells and more

Upon a polished Shore.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 142: White Crystal Wind

I dedicate in order to communicate
Universalizing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of timelessness.

Knowledge is revealed and given for awakening in the human before death so that he/she can realize cosmic being now.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in

Sahasrara Chakra (Dali Plasma)