Thursday, February 29, 2024

Yellow Lunar Human/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 23


2 Eb 


 Yellow Lunar Human 


It was an August Moon that wed us---

Led us far beyond the Night

A billion Stars were Witness with

An incandescent Light


This lunar Lamplight cast a Spell---

We traveled through an Aureole

To a secret dreaming Place

 Held close in fond Embrace


Down an Aisle’s liquescent Silver  

Beneath the Moon’s quiescent Ride

The Ocean sent us then where no Sound lives

Save the Murmur of the Tide. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Blue Magnetic Monkey/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 22


1 Chuen 


Blue Magnetic Monkey


Thy laughter is the Rush of Angel Wings

Thy Smile is the Sun on the Horizon

One Call from Thee and my Heart fairly sings

I pray the Songs and Words will ne’er be done

I see in Thee a Diamond Star of Night

Lending all its luster to a dark Sky

Forever brought from Darkness into Light

By Faith so perfect in its Alibi

I know and trust that you do love me well

For never did a Kiss reveal as much

In its magnetic Pull and tidal Swell

To realms of Peace, I flew with one fine Touch


May Heaven bless this Union wondrous fair

That none could ever separate this Pair. 



©Kleomichele Leeds

2/27/2023 White Cosmic Dog/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 21


13 Oc


White Cosmic Dog 


My Love---

It is a Part of me apart


Although it dwells within my Heart

Sculpted in Mortality---

It is Immortal sure for

Far beyond the Boundaries of Life

It does endure


How can Life be ordinary now?

It is by Light infused

Yielding such Vitality

To grow above

And fly apace

The Passages of Time and Space


Conquering all Limitation

False Device and Artifice

Becoming infinitely fine –



©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, February 26, 2024

Red Crystal Moon/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 20


3 Muluc


Red Crystal Moon 


Like a Cup of Gold

Half-Moon rises

Filling up and pouring light

From the Eastern Sky


Oceans reflect her Likeness

Refracted, added unto, and multiplied

Upon their surface Swells---

 Waves of Dark and scattered Light


Sailing through Night she

Transmutes into a silver Goblet---

Descending slowly to her Bed

When finally, She sleeps. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Yellow Spectral Star/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 19

11 Lamat


Yellow Spectral Star


Constantly inconstant –

 Moons shift Shape

Keeping sacred Time

In perfect Harmony


 Maidens rise

With Twilight---

Slender silver Curves

In pale blue Skies


 Round Mothers grow

Bright shining---

Full Moons glow---

Golden Gowns glistening


 Atropos* decreases---

Light recedes---

Stars intensify

 Gibbous Crones succeed –




*Atropos: One of the three Fates in Greek Mythology, who influences human destiny.  Atropos is known as the Inexorable and carries the shears that cut the thread of life.



©Kleomichele Leeds

2/24/2023 Blue Planetary Hand/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 18


10 Maniik 


Blue Planetary Hand 


Beneath the silver Eyelash

Of a Crystal New Moon


Blue Planetary Hand

Passes over Land


Manifesting in its Passing

Perfect Healing


 Accomplishment of



Total Comprehension –

Peace and Understanding. 


©Kleomichele Leeds



Saturday, February 24, 2024

2/23/2024 White Solar World-Bridger/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 17


White Solar World-Bridger

Sonnet IX


Thou art the Blessing of a too-kind god

When for a Partner did my Spirit cry

You see my Virtue where no Other would

While to my Faults you close a loving Eye

As I the Lyric write you play the Song

Melodies thus fashioned live forever

It’s true that to each other we belong

A Duet in tune – discordant never

A Separation makes our music still

Still meaning silent, yet continuing

No Power is as strong as true Love’s Will

Bold Instrument of Heaven’s designing


Faith has yielded what Desire could not do –

For I alone could ne’er imagine you. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Red Galactic Serpent/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 16


8 Chicchan


Red Galactic Serpent


 Salome am I

And Solomon –

 Lebanon and Egypt

Palestine and Yemen

I am Fatima

Priestess of the East

Morocco am I

Ethiopia and Crete

I am Goddess –



I am Alhambra

Athens – Turkey

The Levant

I am the Oriental Dance

Algeria am I

Tunis and Baghdad

The Emirates

And Israel

I am the wine-dark Sea –

 The Mediterranean

  Gulfs of Aqaba and Persia

Petra and Peninsula

I am Jordan

Libya – Sudan


Armenia and Oman

I am la Grèque ancienne

I am She –



*Terpsichore: the ancient Greek Muse, Goddess of Music and Dance.

©Kleomichele Leeds


2/21/ 2024 Yellow Resonant Seed/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 15


7 Kan


Yellow Resonant Seed


Gone are the Wild Things

Young and Old---


Gone are the Wild Things

Green and Gold---


Gone are the Wild Things

Large and Small---


Gone are the Wild Things

Every and All.

 ©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Blue Rhythmic Night/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 14

6 Akbal


Blue Rhythmic Night 


Up from the Depths

Through blue rhythmic Night –

An Abundance of Dreams


Symbols and Themes

Redolent with Archetype –

Signifying Treasure


Cherish these –

For numinous are they

And Sacred


With Energy enough

To render whole

A lost or broken Soul. 

 ©Kleomichele Leeds


Monday, February 19, 2024

White Overtone Wind/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 13


5 Ik


White Overtone Wind

Psyche’s Song*



I lit the Lamp of Insight

I saw the God in you

A Spark---a sparkling Star

Beneath your hooded Eye---

In Fear you spread your Wings

To fly---


Now I wonder, and I wander

In Anguish and Despair---

Each Breath a mournful Cry---


Are you gone forever?

Will you really let me die?


Or will you save me, Love

From my riven Soul

And the existential Lie?




*Eros, the god of love, deserts Psyche, his lover when she looks upon him in the night. She has been forbidden to do so. Therefore, he flies back to his mother, Aphrodite, goddess of love. Psyche and Eros symbolize the inner feminine and masculine aspects of soul and consciousness which must be reconciled before psychological wholeness is achieved.



©Kleomichele Leeds


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Red Self-Existing Dragon/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 12


4 Imix

Red Self-Existing Dragon


Like Fish are we

Swimming in Oceans of Soul


This Holy Water

Serves as Home

Sustaining All invisibly


Immanent Grace

Our Birthright –

From Sea to shining Sea.



©Kleomichele Leeds




Saturday, February 17, 2024

Yellow Electric Sun/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 11


3 Ahau


Yellow Electric Sun


From Jasper we come---

Emerald Electricity

And Sapphires blue---


 Souls wander through

Stygian Darkness

Into the Wombs of Women --


Spiraling Flight

Tumbles into Being

Pulsing in Time---


As Above, so Below---

 Spine holds the Codes

From Root to Crown


Zodiacal Gates

Open to Symbol

Life after Life


Children of Light

Spin into Story---

Then…to Story, we Re-turn. 


©Kleomichele Leeds





2/16/ 2023 Blue Lunar Storm/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 10


2 Cauac


Blue Lunar Storm


I sacrificed the Sacrifice---

My Womb untrammeled and untried


Am I Virgin now

Or just worth Less?


I hear a distant Symphony

A Hymn of String and Drum---


I abide on the metaphysical Side

Full of wild Life---


A swirling whirling

Stormy Sea of Poetry


This is my Rebirth

And my Becoming----


My Atonement and Salvation

Raison d’étre and Redemption.  

 ©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, February 15, 2024

White Magnetic Moon/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 9

1 Etznab


White Magnetic Mirror


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

Second largest in the World

She ebbs and flows with Tides eternal

Reaching out with Waves unfurled


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

Atlantic she is called in our own Tongue

Yet she does sing in Tongues unnumbered

Songs for every Land and Old and Young


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

Laughing with the dancing Stars of Night

She captures all celestial Beams and Planets

Within her endless Matrices of Light


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

Kissing all the Shells upon the Shore

She stretches salty Arms around her Islands

As if to say she could not love them more


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

Between two Continents does she sit

Protecting all that lives beneath her Surface

Bearing to her Ports each noble Ship


There is an Ocean by the Highlands

She is the Stuff of Life and Lore

She beckons all with Swells unceasing

As Poseidon did for fair Athena roar.


©Kleomichele Leeds