Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yellow Cosmic Star/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 15


13 Lamat 


Yellow Cosmic Star


Klotho*- spin your golden Thread

Upon the silver Star

At the Center of my Forehead---


Open wide my virgin Vein

With New Moon’s



Call forth my Poetry to arise

Like Pegasus** from Medusa***

Wingèd, beautiful, and wise.




*Klotho: The first of three Fates or Moirae in Greek myth; she spins the thread of life.


**Pegasus: A white, winged steed who sprang from the body of Medusa; patron of the Muses, goddesses of art and poetry.


*** Medusa: A queen of ancient Lydia whom the goddess Athena transformed into a serpent-haired Gorgon.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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