5 Lamat
Yellow Overtone Star
Thou art a Star
Unbound ---
By Fear or Pain
Fed by a Mind
invincible –
A Spirit moved
and moving
Thy Soul is a
living Wonder---
Steeped in
Anima’s Glory
Strong as a
Lion’s Roar.
©Kleomichele Leeds
Our blog tracks Jose Arguelles' Dreamspell Calendar. "As chaos and confusion rise, galactic consciousness based on the Law of Time serves as planetary medicine, lifting us into the awareness that we exist within a higher, more expanded realm of existence than the world of third-dimensional form and appearance. Daily practice will elevate consciousness and increase experiences of synchronicity." (Arguelles)
5 Lamat
Yellow Overtone Star
Thou art a Star
Unbound ---
By Fear or Pain
Fed by a Mind
invincible –
A Spirit moved
and moving
Thy Soul is a
living Wonder---
Steeped in
Anima’s Glory
Strong as a
Lion’s Roar.
©Kleomichele Leeds
4 Manik
Self-Existing Hand
Now, because you are
Free to fly, I shine, glisten
And glimmer like a
Clear crystal Tear on the Tip
Of your out-stretched feathered Wing.
*Tanka: A
Japanese form of poetry comprised of five lines and 31 syllables: five, seven,
five, seven, and seven syllables respectively.
©Kleomichele Leeds
3 Cimi
White Electric
Bullies birth the Saints
Long-suffering –
One Hundred and Four
Thousand Years an Age
Alphabet turns Hieroglyph –
And Cries of Grief to Song.
©Kleomichele Leeds
2 Chicchan
Red Lunar Serpent
Let us move our Mourning to
Giving up Despair for Second Sight
That we may count ourselves among the
Our Vision sees through Darkness into
Between us many Obstacles arise
To block our Path of Faith around the
But when at last we see with Spirit’s
The poison Snake of Sadness dies at
Our Gratitude and Faith forever sound
In ringing Psalms of Memory and
Beyond the Walls of Sorrow, we are
Singing Hymns of Joy for all our Days.
All Thanks to you, our pure and gentle
Progenitor of Fealty and Love.
©Kleomichele Leeds
1 Kan
Yellow Magnetic Seed
Moving up and out –
In the here and now
Am I –
Nor Shadow nor Shade
Nor Partner nor Maid
Am I –
Whole and complete
Aware and replete with Wisdom
Am I ––
Unchained – unbowed – unwed
Free to choose – choosing Freedom
Am I ---
Fierce and mighty
Grateful and giving
Am I ––
Creating – destroying – preserving
All that comes to Matter
Am I ––
Daughter – Sister – Mother
Woman – Friend
Am I ––
A Voice that in the End
Bridges Space amid Worlds
I Am.
©Kleomichele Leeds
13 Akbal
Cosmic Night
Into high Symbol
We go --
And low also
Initiation transforms
Soul –
Life takes on Meaning
Like an Alice Blue Gown
But first to the Dark
The Underworld of War –
Wotan’s* Ecstasy
This Wave of Time/Space
As Cataclysm transforms
Trinity into Quaternity
Hamlet becomes Faust
Descend then to the
Mothers –
Sacred Goddess’ Diadem
Earth’s Mysteries foretell
A New Jerusalem!
*Wotan: one-eyed Teutonic god with an insatiable appetite for war and power – a symbol of blind violence.
©Kleomichele Leeds
12 Ik
White Crystal Wind
In and out
The Sea breathes
Herself awake---
On morning’s Tide
The Breeze---
A cleansing Current of
Crystalline Air---
Giving up Debris
In frothy Paroxysms
She bequeaths and leaves
Flotsam and Jetsam---
Shells and more
Upon her polished Shore.
©Kleomichele Leeds
11 Imix
Red Spectral Dragon
My Grief –
I own it as I would
A Dagger plunged
Into my Heart
The Blade would
End my Life
If it were Steel
Yet Sorrow steals
Much more than Breath
From the dancing Soul –
Psychic Wounds
Bleed Tears unceasing –
Suffering marks
A ground of being –
Until Eros lands to
Pull the Knife out clean.
©Kleomichele Leeds
10 Ahau
Yellow Planetary Sun
The disembodied Voice
So long held dear –
From afar –
Each Syllable and Word
Recalled –
Love’s Labors these
When Bodies separate
Reunion puts a Face on Love –
Alters Space and Time –
Adds Dimension
More Feeling to a Phrase –
Rounding out Reality
Making Past and Future
Into Here and Now –
Transforming Promise
Into Vow.
©Kleomichele Leeds
9 Cauac
Blue Solar Storm
My Heart is closed for Repairs
Out to Lunch
Shut down
Boarded up against you
You refuse to give –
Even to starving Subway Seekers –
To me you give few Words
Weak Affection
A Pittance of Attention
Therefore I will retreat –
Withdraw and free myself
From this Neglect
Until further Notice –
My Heart is closed for Repairs.
©Kleomichele Leeds
8 Etznab
White Galactic
Against green Vines
Violet Thistle blooms
Needle Pines grow
Near deep Seafoam blue
Monarch sails on
Orange and black
From Chrysalis
To Continents
Sips syrup sweet –
Then soars in Flight
Vibrant Contrast –
Wingèd Light.
©Kleomichele Leeds
7 Caban
Red Resonant Earth
I set down
A Ring of Fire --
The Bone
The Feather and the
My Territory mark
I lay in waiting
Still – until
You cross
The confines
Of my Heart
The Ring of my
The Ring of my
You braved the Limits
Of my Rage
My Childhood died –
Fear fell as well
When true Love spoke
You broke the Spell.
©Kleomichele Leeds
Yellow Rhythmic
I will shock you into Joy –
Enough to slough away
The routine Day
Rendering sacred each Moment
In a heartfelt Hour –
Whenever you forget
Or lose your Self
I will appear –
Exploding unexpectedly
In the Heart of your Mind –
In the Mind of your Heart
If fleeting Greed and Fear
Freeze Creation
I will shake you
To your sacred Roots
With a Thunderbolt of Truth –
Oh, dearest One –
Hear my Words
Ineffable and numinous –
Feed your Soul
With Manna irresistible
Welcome me
For I am Love
Made visible –
Your highest Hope
Your greatest Passion fulfilled
Life in Death Am I –
The Resurrection and the Way
Oh, my Beloved
Your Heart beats
To my Rhythm –
Open to receive me
At your Heart’s Door
For I stand and knock
I shall shock you –
Rock and roll you
Into the Fire-stream
Of Destiny –
Now is the Time!
©Kleomichele Leeds
5 Men
Blue Overtone Eagle
Song of Persephone*
Lord of the
Underworld –
You captured me,
Overwhelmed and took
me down
Down to Darkness and
Down to the Soul of
Down to your Kingdom
below us
Down where there is
no Light
To the Land of the
Dead –
Shades of long ago
and might-have-been
Where Obsessions
rule, Ghosts live
Old Sins revive and
breathe again
Ignorant was I in
Ways of Seduction
Masquerading as Love
– perfect Prey
For the rapacious
Wolf of Desire –
The Eagle of
In your long gold
You came for me
inevitably –
Now I am Queen of
the Underworld
Now I am Priestess
of Mystery
When Innocence is
Violence bound
Then is a Maiden
lost –
And there a Myth is
©Kleomichele Leeds
*Persephone is Demeter’s daughter,
abducted by Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and forced to stay with him for four
months of the year.
4 Ix
White Self-Existing
Now the wounded Heart
Breaks open – broken
Into Soul’s Ear
Artilleries and Armies
Lob thunderous Volleys
Every Form of Fire Power
Sheds every Form of Blood
As Within, so Without
As Above, so Below
©Kleomichele Leeds
3 Ben
Red Electric
Language beyond Language –
Silent Sound
Subtle Music
Knowledge beyond Knowledge –
Faith – Certainty
Through Illusion
Space beyond Space –
Infinite Beauty
Peace and Grace
Time beyond Time
Eternity flirts and lifts her Skirts –
Souls unite
Measure beyond Measure
Marks the Love I feel
Love unfailing – brave and bold
Treasure beyond Treasure
Invaluable – inviolate
The cosmic Center of a Soul.
©Kleomichele Leeds
2 Eb
Yellow Lunar Human
It was an August Moon that wed us –
Led us far beyond the Night
A billion Stars were Witness with
An incandescent Light
This lunar Lamplight cast a Spell –
We traveled through an Aureole
To a secret dreaming Place
Held close in fond Embrace
Down an Aisle of liquescent Silver
Beneath the Moon’s quiescent Ride
The Ocean sent us where no Sound
Save the Murmur of the Tide.
©Kleomichele Leeds
1 Chuen
Blue Magnetic Monkey
Thy laughter is the Rush of Angel Wings
Thy Smile is the Sun on the Horizon
One Call from Thee and my Heart
fairly sings
I pray the Songs and Words will ne’er
be done
I see in Thee a Diamond Star of Night
Lending all its luster to a dark Sky
Forever brought from Darkness into
By Faith so perfect in its Alibi
I know and trust that you do love me
For never did a Kiss reveal as much
In its magnetic Pull and tidal Swell
To realms of Peace, I flew with one fine
May Heaven bless this Union wondrous
That none could ever separate this Pair.
©Kleomichele Leeds