Monday, March 10, 2025

White Crystal World-Bridger/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 4


12 Cimi

White Crystal World-Bridger

Women of the World--- 
Cross the Crystal Bridge!
Journey to the other Side
Where we are seen as Equals
Without a great Divide

Cross over the Bridge
You are needed urgently 
As we work to save the Planet---
Gaia, the Sacred Feminine Divine

Chaos, Death, and Mayhem
Seem to overcome the Good
Imbalance is the cause---
Dissonance and Greed---
Cross over Child-brides and Victims
Of Incest, Rape, Violence
Cutting, Mutilation, Beatings
Binding of Feet, Hands, and Mouths
Sex Trade, Slavery
Acid-faced, Deformed, Homeless
Wanderers and Refugees
Childless or killed
By birth Trauma, Fistulae 
Neglect and absent Care
Burned alive or drowned---
Thou covered Head to Foot
Forbidden to speak, move, or learn
Masked, lashed, decapitated
For another’s Sin---

Motherless Child and Childless Mothers---
Women buried alive
Burned at the Stake, tortured
Ostracized, Murdered without remorse

For you are sacred, scared and scarred 
Each girl, each woman, each Grand Woman
Each the sacred Vessel of Birth, of Life---
Each the embodiment of Space and Time
You are the Rising Moon of Peace
Your Beauty stuns and frightens those 
Unacquainted with their own Souls
Where Justice lives and Wisdom---

Nurturing and Compassion
Beauty and Harmony---
Healthy Instincts to Heal and Guide---

Womyn living and Womyn Spirits
Cross over the Bridge
To our Great Mother
Let us unite again
Nature and Spirit
Matter and Body
Thought and Feeling
 Mind and Soul
The Sacred Feminine 
 Now awakens in all.

©Kleomichele Leeds 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Red Spectral Serpent/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 3



11 Chicchan

Red Spectral Serpent

Spectral Serpent Am I---

Radiant and Wise

Full of Earth’s insight---

Lightning from Skies

Chthonic Container---

Symbol of the Spine---

  Healing Archetype---

 Goddess Divine

Liberator/ Protector

Venerable Entity---

Denizen of the Deep Soul---

Interpreter of Mystery

Holder of Memory.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Yellow Planetary Seed/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 2



10 Kan

Yellow Planetary Seed

It is Accomplished ---

The Planting of 

A Planetary Seed

In the fertile Ground 

Of Consciousness

Soon the Shell

Will open


A tender Blade

To search for Light---

The Light of

Cosmic Codes

In floating Photons---

By Night a Seedling 

Gathers Strength---

By Day it grows

Into Patterns fractal---

Designed around the Birth

Of Love---


©Kleomichele Leeds 

3/7/2025 Blue Solar Night/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 1


10 Akbal
Blue Planetary Night

An Abundance of
 Visions and Dreams 
Floats through Planetary Nights

Up from the Depths
Rise Symbols and Themes 
Redolent with Meaning---

Treasure all---
For numinous are these
And sacred---

Holding Energy enough
To render Whole
A lost or broken Soul.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, March 6, 2025

White Galactic Wind/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 28



8 IK

White Galactic Wind

Listen to Trees

Playing Symphonies

On the Wind---

Gaze at Wild Grasses


In pellucid Respiration---

Wind’s breath carries Spirit---

The life---giving Rhythm

Of sentient Beings---

All Beings replicate

Our Planet’s Breath---

A sacred Rhythm of Inhalation---

 Exhalation---symbolizing Duality---

Encompassing Relativity.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Red Resonant Dragon/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 27


7 Imix

Red Resonant Dragon

From the vast Maw of the Dragon’s Jaw 

We are borne---

From great Cauldrons of Light

And Sound---


Out of the Vacuum

Are we carried

Into a Cosmos---

Into a Galaxy---

Stepped down---transduced




Only an invisible Cord

Attaches us---The Zuvuya connects

Our Solar Plexus Nexus

To the Origin of Soul

Finally, we land again embodied

On the Planet.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Yellow Rhythmic Sun/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 26



6 Ahau

Yellow Rhythmic Sun

Leaden Clouds dissolve

 Into Storm and Snow--- 

 Sun appears---

Enchanting Warm 

With universal Fire

Before unseen 

Golden Hills awaken---

Revealing green---

Sunflowers blossom---

Their Faces facing light

Following a Rhythmic Sun

Under the Turquoise Sky.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, March 3, 2025

Blue Overtone Storm/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 25



5 Cauac

Blue Overtone Storm

When Bombs fall

Babies cannot bear

The  Shock 

When Bombs fall

Homes are blown away

Where Children sleep and play 

Small fragile Bodies

  Bleed instantly

Delicate Skin tears easily

When Bombs fall

 Babies’ Eardrums break

They cannot tolerate

The deafening Storm---

Trauma/ Pain/ Blood/ Shock/ Death

Who will save the Babies

When Bombs fall?

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, March 2, 2025

White Self-Existing Mirror/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 24


4 Etznab

White Self-Existing Mirror

 Called in Sanskrit Sushumna---

The central mystic spinal Column 

Creates a Channel

For Energy to move---

Ascending and Descending

Alternating Currents Serpentine---

Ida (Moon)----Pingala (Sun)

Rising and falling through seven Chakras

From Muladhara (base) to Sahasrara (crown)

Creating Anima and Animus---Feminine and Masculine


Weavers of Third Dimension—Space/Time/Volume

Reality of Duality/ Relativity/ Life on Earth

 Kundalini rises

Enlightening the Soul

Awakening subtle Bodies---

Transforming all that’s Relative 

 Into Union Absolute.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Red Electric Earth/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 23


3 Caban

Red Electric Earth

On Crop Circles:  Hieroglyphs in the Fields

At the far Edge of Consciousness

Where Heart of Earth meets Heart of Sky

The Circles appear---

Magnificent Mysteries

Like veiled Women waiting---

Serenely profound---

Woven of Grain and Mist---

Displaying Numinous Artistry

Sacred to Grain Goddesses

From Time immemorial---

In Fields, they lay---

Mystical Puzzles

Shrouding symbolic Languages

Of a new Age of the Goddess---

Music made visible

Stepped down in Frequency

To nourish our Souls---

For these are Soul’s Food---

Inklings and Intimations

Given freely in the Night

For our imminent Evolution

Into Beings of Light.

©Kleomichele Leeds

2/28/2025 Yellow Lunar Warrior/ Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 22


 2 Cib

Yellow Lunar Warrior

From Rome to Byzantium

The Poet sings

Glories of Arthur

 And Bardic Kings---

Beowulf of Denmark

Roland de France

And Charlemagne with 

Swords of Romance

Warriors of Persia---

Greece and Egypt---

Ancient Mesopotamia 

Where Gilgamesh fought

These Epic Tales 

Praise Warriors of Yore---

Heroes in Battle

Become Legend and Lore

Here is the Mark of Mnemosyne---

 Mother of Muses---Cultural Memory

With her daughters Kleo and Kalliope

Keeping for Posterity 

Beloved History---Identity 

High poetic Art

Sung for Days---

 Known always by Heart. 

©Kleomichele Leeds