Thursday, April 30, 2020

Yellow Rhythmic Human/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 27

6  Eb

 Yellow Rhythmic Human

I am Salome
And Solomon –
 Lebanon and Egypt
Palestine and Yemen –
I am Fatima –
Priestess of the East
Morocco am I 
Ethiopia and Crete –
I am Goddess
Serpent-haired –
I am Alhambra
Athens – Turkey
The Levant –
I am the Oriental Dance
Algeria am I –
Tunis and Baghdad –
The Emirates
And Israel
I am the wine-dark Sea –
 The Mediterranean –
  Gulfs of Aqaba and Persia –
Petra and Peninsula
I am Jordan 
Libya – Sudan
Macedonia –
Armenia and Oman –
I am la Grèque Ancienne –
I am She –

*Terpsichore: the ancient Greek Muse, Goddess of Music and Dance.

(c) Kleomichele Leeds

4/29/2020 Blue Overtone Monkey/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 26

5 Chuen 

Blue Overtone Monkey

By crafting Illusion into Law
One commands Belief and Awe

Whatever Form your Magic takes –
Radiant is the day it makes

Myriad structures appear –
At whim and will they disappear

This play of life and death
Amuses and confuses us entirely

But one who sees transcends all Bonds
Perceiving Truth, she comprehends Reality.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/28/2020 White Self-Existing Dog/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 25

4 Oc

 White Self-Existing Dog

Radiant newborn Child of Dawn

Love eternal shows the Way

Loyalty makes Bright the Day

Endless Heart
Reflects white Light –

Amethystine Night.

©Kleomichele Leeds

4/27/2020 Red Electric Moon/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 24

3 Chicchan

Red Electric Moon

My precious friend, regard me not askance
Though I deserve your gaze most skeptical
I cannot fault you for your wary glance
For I make of myself pure spectacle

It is to tears my words one could compare
Both flow in uncontrollable remorse
In composition they so poorly fare
To express passion from its deepest source

These words survive though tears do disappear
Poetry at least puts form on feeling
But I do risk your mockery and fear
Trying to convince you of my meaning

Emotion when translated to refrain
Loses too much, but gambles more to gain.

©Kleomichele Leeds

4/26/2020 Yellow Lunar Star/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 23

2 Lamat 

Yellow Lunar Star 

This silent Ship
This lunar Star

Molten golden
Blazing arc

Pole to Pole

Gliding Latitudes –
Floating Longitudes

Blending Opposites
Inciting Light

Her Name –
Fire in the Soul.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Blue Magnetic Hand/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 22

1 Manik

Blue Magnetic Hand 

Beneath the silver Eyelash
Of a Cosmic New Moon

Blue Hand
Passes over Land

Manifesting in its Passing
Perfect Healing

 Accomplishment of

Complete Comprehension
Peace and Understanding.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, April 24, 2020

White Cosmic World-Bridger/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 21

13 Cimi

White Cosmic World-Bridger

The Work of Love
Unties the (K)nots
Which smother us
And choke

The Work of Love
Cuts the Dust
From past Mistakes
And Pain prolonged

The Work of Love
Clears the Sphere
Of Shame and Blame
Allowing sweet Forgiveness

The Work of Love
Perfects the Soul
Reaching into Shadow
To heal and render whole.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Red Crystal Serpent/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 20

12 Chicchan

Red Crystal Serpent

Universal Water pours
From cosmic Moons

Harmonics modify
 Fractal Frequencies

 Crystal Visions
Guarantee Survival

Galactic Ethers blaze
Hot Red and White

Instinct transforms
Into creative Flight.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Yellow Spectral Seed/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 19

11 KAN

Yellow Spectral Seed 

The endurance
Of a Seed –
Compact Promise
Concealed Precision 
Dormant Possibility

Within Acorn
A Forest entire –
An Empire of Trees
Fruit and Seeds
To feed the Nations

One conscious Mind
Fully nurtured and awake
Might move us
From Despair to Joy –
Blindness to clear Sight

Might lead us from Grief
Far from Fear –
Guide us with Grace
To the Tree of Life
In a Garden of Delight.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Blue Planetary Night/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 18

10 Akbal

Blue Planetary Night

An Abundance 
Of Visions and Dreams pass
Through Blue Planetary Nights

Up from the Depths
Rise Symbols and Themes
Redolent with Meaning

Treasure them all
For numinous are these
And Sacred –

With Energy enough
To render Whole
The lost or broken Soul.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, April 20, 2020

White Solar Wind/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 17

9 Ik

White Solar Wind

Hides Infinity
Mortality masks

Solar Wind
Strips Lie from Truth
Reducing both
 To Bone

 When phantom Souls
Sip Tears of Love
Flesh and Sinew

Sacred Shapes
Emerge revealed
Blessed – transfigured

©Kleomichele Leeds                      

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Red Galactic Dragon/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 16

8 Chicchan

Red Galactic Serpent

 Salome am I
And Solomon –
 Lebanon and Egypt
Palestine and Yemen
I am Fatima
Priestess of the East
Morocco am I
Ethiopia and Crete
I am Goddess –
I am Alhambra
Athens – Turkey
The Levant
I am the Oriental Dance
Algeria am I
Tunis and Baghdad
The Emirates
And Israel
I am the wine-dark Sea –
 The Mediterranean
  Gulfs of Aqaba and Persia
Petra and Peninsula
I am Jordan
Libya – Sudan
Armenia and Oman
I am la Grèque ancienne
I am She –

*Terpsichore: the ancient Greek Muse, Goddess of Music and Dance.

©Kleomichele Leeds

4/18/2020 Yellow Resonant Sun/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 15

7 Ahau

Yellow Resonant Sun

If Time is Art
Then Sun – Thou art
Perfection’s Star

Shining Elegance
 Light’s Anchor
Wisdom’s Author
 Beauty manifest –

Spirit’s descent
Into Matter
Animating Cosmos
North – South – East – West –


©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, April 18, 2020

4/17/2020 Blue Rhythmic Storm/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 14

6 Cauac

Blue Rhythmic Storm

Lightning = Consciousness
Thunder = Mind
Storm awakens
Re-minding Soul

Disturbing Turbulent
Turbine of Clouds
Connects and Combines
 Heaven and Earth

Catalyzing Coruscation
Thundering Rumble
Organizes Ions
Generates Rebirth

Electromagnetic Attraction
Distracts Attention
In the Mundane caught

Then falls the Rain –
Baptismal Afterthought.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, April 16, 2020

White Overtone Mirror/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 13

5 Etznab

White Overtone Mirror

The glass Heart shatters
In Time’s Mirror-Hall
One Shard – one Fragment
 Reflecting All

Each Hologram
Soul’s Echo –
Intuition’s Home
Dimension of the Overtone –
 Metaphor this Earth-life –
Every Scene Projection –
 Keen Desire’s fire
  Always Karma - bound  

Empowerment lives
 In Forgiving Compassion –
Find Peace of Mind
Beyond Ego’s Fight.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Red Self-Existing Earth/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 12

4 Caban

Red Self-Existing Earth

Blushing Earth
 Turns coyly  
From Sun’s fierce Eye
At dusk –

 Through the Night
She navigates Revolutions –
Spinning sacred Synchronicities

Nurtured by
Her sapphire Sphere
Her Children gather –
Under shy Sister Moon.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Yellow Electric Warrior/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 11

3 Cib

Yellow Electric Warrior

A hidden Thing is Wisdom
 A Seed within the Fruit
Her Power is potential
Patient – prudent – innocent

Confused with Knowledge often
 Wisdom grows apace with Love –
From experiential Soil
In tune with Nature’s Grace

 Understanding finally blossoms –
Protection falls away –
  Every Flower issues Fragrance
With irresistible Bouquet.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, April 13, 2020

Blue Lunar Eagle/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 10

2 Men

Blue Lunar Eagle

Polarities define our
 Third Dimension

Inspire Dialogue

Illusion merely

And all Degrees between
Belie Reality

All that limits Thee

The End
Becomes Beginning

Absolve Thy Vision
Now transcend!

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, April 12, 2020

White Magnetic Wizard/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 9

1 IX

White Magnetic Wizard

Thus begins another Round
Of Tones thirteen

One Jaguar
To hallowed Ground

The honored Rites
Of Depths and Heights –

Vast Terrains
Of Sacred
Universal Sound

 Eyes flash topaz
Through fractal

Star-seeded Intuition
Nurtures Soul –
The Mark and Target
Of human Evolution.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Red Cosmic Skywalker/ Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, Day 8

13 Ben

Red Cosmic Skywalker

Fly to the Nearness
Of outer Space

Where Skywalkers
Pace and explore

 Galaxies spring
From Sound and Light

Fractals sing to the
 Stars each Night

From these we are formed
By these adored.

©Kleomichele Leeds