Wednesday, March 26, 2025

White Lunar Wind/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 20



2 Ik

White Lunar Wind

From Mansions

On the Moon

A second Impulse rises---

Emerging Grace

Holds Spirit’s Breath 

Duality cloaks Reality

 Solid seeming – mostly Space

Where there was One 

Now Two appear 

 Time from Timelessness begins

Fractals split Infinity 

Informing Form---



One from Two is born.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Red Magnetic Moon/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 19


 1 Imix

Red Magnetic Dragon

Here begins

The Count of Days 

Here begin

The Matrix and the Way 

Into Fields unified--- 

Consciousness exalted 

 Portals activated--- 

Galaxies articulated 

Another Spin---

 A Universe revealed 

Another Birth---

Sweet Earth healed.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, March 24, 2025

Yellow Cosmic Sun/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 18



13 Ahau

Yellow Cosmic Sun

Born the Sun

Re-born and born again---

Another Spin complete

Another Cycle done---

A Sacred Dawn rises

Shifting Night 

To Light---

Universal Fire---          

 Prometheus’ Gift---

Granting us Vision

And Hope eternal---

The Soul’s Enlightenment

Sings from a Cosmic Sun---

The Heart’s grand Desire

In Love’s celestial Fire.

©Kleomichele Leeds

3/23/2025 Blue Crystal Storm/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 17


12 Cauac

Blue Crystal Storm

Above the thund’rous Roar

Above the harsh Downpour

Beyond a darkening Wall

Which too solid seems

A New World shines

The Storm recedes---

Revelation intervenes

Amid History’s Vicissitudes

To lift us from Despair

Into Consciousness and Clarity in

 Compassion’s rarefied Air---

As the Heart ascends

Into the Noosphere

Out of Materialism---

In order that the new Human

Becomes divinely Cosmic

And purely Telepathic.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Sunday, March 23, 2025

3/22/2025 White Spectral Mirror/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 16



11 Etznab

White Spectral Mirror

Gaze at the Face

Of a White Spectral Mirror 

You witness a Moon

On the Wane---

 A silver Coin Dissolving ---

The gibbous Moon again----

Waxing and waning---

Reflecting the archetypal Rhythm

Of Life – Death – Life---

Existence in 3D

See the Moon---Great

Mirror of the Triple Goddess---


Played out before our eyes

Upon black velvet Skies.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, March 21, 2025

Red Planetary Earth/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 15



10 Caban

Red Planetary Earth

Upon this red and fecund Earth

Lives a Planetary Race of Humans

Poised on the Edge of 

Massive Evolution---

History ended in 2012---

Marking the Conclusion of

The Sacred Maya Long Count of Days---

A Count of 5,125 Years---

 Thirteen times 144,000 Days

Measure/Movement/Time/ Space---

 Vertical and horizontal Axes---

Create Matter and Energy 

Within this 3rd Dimension---

Prepare now to leap

Into the Frame of Cosmic History---

 Cosmic Science---the

Grand Purpose of our Being

Hear Now---Prepare yourselves

For Time and Space anew!

We move into Harmonic Time

Into the ratio of 13:20---changing

Rhythms---Thirteen Moons

Twenty--eight Days each---

Time now reflects Nature’s Feminine Divine

Planetary Humans are 

Both awakened and asleep---

Awakened Ones lead the Way

 High Priests & Priestesses of Time’s sacred Dance

Moving us from outmoded Methods

And chaotic Degradation into Galactic

Ethics and newly organized 

Consciousness---into mindful Yogis---

Meditating Beings of Peace

Let us graduate from Mechanistic

Intelligence into Synchronic Noospheric

Thought---which is to say, Cosmic Timing Frequencies---

For we are Cosmic in  Nature 

Beings of the Galaxy---

 Beings of Light

About to take Flight.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Yellow Solar Warrior/ Solar Jaguar Moon of Purpose, Day 14



9 Cib

Yellow Solar Warrior

The true Warrior feeds on Peace--- 

Preparing for All and Everything---

Intelligence renders her fearless

In a fearsome Age

Her Vision pierces the Folly of War

In its terrible Fury---

She knows the primary

Importance of Compassion

To neutralize the Frenzy of Chaos---

War enriches the makers of Weapons 

Designed for Death and Destruction---

In the name of the Goddess

Where is the Intelligence in that?

©Kleomichele Leeds