Saturday, August 24, 2024

Yellow Solar Star/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 2


9 Lamat


Yellow Solar Star



And Moon

Pyramids of Stone –

Heart’s Fire –- Dust unto

Dust – Immortal Toltec Gods

Creation’s ancient Glyph & Tone –

Sacred flaming Gifts to Quetzalcoatl –

Plumed Serpent – Symbol of a Shaman’s Crown



I climb

The moaning

 Wind to the Summit –

Phoenix rising from the Ashes –

Past Lives renewed and incarnated –

Who climbed these Heights, never to descend?




Has prayed

Here to gods of Fear

 And Desperation?  Echoes hum

Sung by Souls gone long ago to Rest –

 Gentle Patience pulses in silent shining Stars

Watching the dubious Progress of Man –

 How miniscule are these grand

 Structures to the wide

 Eyes of Heaven?

The Sun or


©Kleomichele Leeds

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