Thursday, August 29, 2024

Red Magnetic Skywalker/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Purpose, Day 7


1 Ben


Red Magnetic Skywalker


 Poetry rises like the Mist

Aurora Borealis* at the northern Gate

Streaming new Mythologies –

Sound and Light incarnate


Look to the Moon

Her constant Inconstancy

Power transformed

Enchantment embodied


Civilizations deconstruct

Nascent Nation States

Buy and sell themselves

Into Oblivion


Single-eyed Wotan

Slouches toward Bethlehem

Like the Cyclops, Polypheme---

Beast of Cruelty and Mayhem


Listen to your S(elf)---

Your shadowed Soul

Singing to you often

In a small Voice, soft


Attune to the Helix

Radio---sonic Matrix---

Song of the next Age

Spinning into Grace  


Look to the new Time

A Vision that glows

On the far Edge of Destiny

Where the Tree of Life

Blossoms and grows.



*In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis (the northern lights), named after the Roman Goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas.


©Kleomichele Leeds


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