Tuesday, August 6, 2024

8/5/2024 Red Electric Moon/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 11

3 Muluc

Red Electric Moon


Moon---Coin of the Realm

In a starry Kingdom---

A treasured Galleon

Sailing the dark Heart of Sky


Swelling like Life in the

Wombs of Women---

Ripening in Time with Time---

Mistress of Mysteries

She draws all Waters unto Herself



Shedding her Shadow to become full again---

Like the sacred Serpent she is born anew

She is All of These---


Reflecting Three in One

The Triple Goddess reigns Supreme---

Recreating  Creation

Again each Moon---


Moon weaves and projects

New Stories each Night---

 She turns and returns

 Darkness to Light.



©Kleomichele Leeds


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