Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blue Crystal Monkey/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 5


12 Chuen


Blue Crystal Monkey

Hymn to Melpomene*


She---a Being of Soul and Wonder

Woven together and torn asunder

By Love

In every Aspect


Scarred and veiled her Heart

Of Gold and Silver spun

Broken by Betrayal

By Forgiveness Won


Compassion warms

Her pulsing Blood –

Drowning Sorrow

With a Song


 Shades of Indigo

Shades of Blue

Through Alchemical Magic

Turn Life despondent to Life anew.



*Melpomene: Greek Muse of Tragedy, Singer of Lamentations, Mother of the Blues.


©Kleomichele Leeds


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