Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Yellow Overtone Seed/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 26


5 Kan


Yellow Overtone Seed


Sing this song for Women

Who are left bereft---

When Children, Brothers, Husbands, Parents die---

Women of the War-torn World---

Killed and maimed---

Burned---stoned---raped---beheaded and shot through---

Let us weep for those

Who live half-lives---Hearts torn up---

Riven into jagged wounds---

Wet with sacred Water---

Wet with tears of Grief


Weep also for those

Harpies of the Patriarchy

Whose Passion becomes Madness---

When Logic gives way

And Violence holds sway

These Women are Women no more---

Lost in the Wasteland of a Land undone---


This country like an aberrant

Adolescent, thrown between Extremes---

Losing all Balance 

These women Shriek---

Unnerved by Insanity

They shout from twisted Mouths---

Hurling Insults and Epithets---

These Women are deranged

Unstrung---women who kill

Their young with prejudicial Poison---

Cry for these Hearts

Shattered---battered beyond Repair

Hearts living outside the Body---

Unconnected---broken---closed to Compassion

 Women no more

These “Vagina Dentatae”---

The blind Graeae of one Eye only.

 ©Kleomichele Leeds

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