Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blue Electric Eagle/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 9


3 Men

Blue Electric Eagle

Blue Night

Pales into white



Blue Snow

On Branches



Blue Dreams

On Eagle’s Wing

Take Flight---


Through Stars

And Planets




©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, August 30, 2024

White Lunar Wizard/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 8


2 Ix


 White Lunar Wizard 


Our Genius requires Risk

To birth our Daimon-—

For then

The Angels gather---


Seeds of Brilliance grow---

Planted before Origin---

Watered and fed

By Cries of the Heart---


Grow into prodigious Life---

Daimon requires the Rupture

Of mundane Existence---

Where Kairos crosses Chronos---

When Vertical meets Horizontal---


Dance into your Destiny---

Embrace Life’s Mystery

 Drama and Agony---

To be reborn into Destiny's true Pattern.



©Kleomichele Leeds


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Red Magnetic Skywalker/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Purpose, Day 7


1 Ben


Red Magnetic Skywalker


 Poetry rises like the Mist

Aurora Borealis* at the northern Gate

Streaming new Mythologies –

Sound and Light incarnate


Look to the Moon

Her constant Inconstancy

Power transformed

Enchantment embodied


Civilizations deconstruct

Nascent Nation States

Buy and sell themselves

Into Oblivion


Single-eyed Wotan

Slouches toward Bethlehem

Like the Cyclops, Polypheme---

Beast of Cruelty and Mayhem


Listen to your S(elf)---

Your shadowed Soul

Singing to you often

In a small Voice, soft


Attune to the Helix

Radio---sonic Matrix---

Song of the next Age

Spinning into Grace  


Look to the new Time

A Vision that glows

On the far Edge of Destiny

Where the Tree of Life

Blossoms and grows.



*In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis (the northern lights), named after the Roman Goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas.


©Kleomichele Leeds


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Yellow Cosmic Human/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 6

13 Eb

Yellow Cosmic Human


Just as Ignorance blossoms in Darkness

Unbearable to endure---

So the Time of Cosmic Humans emerge


Transforming Intelligence into Consciousness

This new Being comprehends

Time and Space within Movement and Measure


Within the Cosmic Human beats the Cosmic Heart---

Heart of Earth/ Heart of Sky

Extending Love to Earth and all sentient Forms


Far-seeing Sages, Philosophers, Mystics

Seek to lift the Mind of Humanity---

Cosmic Humans are these---from the Heart of the Galaxy.



©Kleomichele Leeds



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blue Crystal Monkey/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 5


12 Chuen


Blue Crystal Monkey

Hymn to Melpomene*


She---a Being of Soul and Wonder

Woven together and torn asunder

By Love

In every Aspect


Scarred and veiled her Heart

Of Gold and Silver spun

Broken by Betrayal

By Forgiveness Won


Compassion warms

Her pulsing Blood –

Drowning Sorrow

With a Song


 Shades of Indigo

Shades of Blue

Through Alchemical Magic

Turn Life despondent to Life anew.



*Melpomene: Greek Muse of Tragedy, Singer of Lamentations, Mother of the Blues.


©Kleomichele Leeds


Monday, August 26, 2024

White Spectral Dog/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 4


11 Oc



White Spectral Dog



Above All, the true Heart

Liberation knows---



Its violet Flame 

Glows with Grace---



Evokes a Sacred 

Unconditioned Love---



Beneath this Light

Under a shining Sun

 All Separation ends

Dissolving into One. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Red Planetary Moon/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 3


10 Muluc


Red Planetary Moon


Learn the Language

Of the Moon---

A new Word daily

For Love and Beauty


The Day-Keeper’s Time

Marked in Poetry---

Nature’s Language murmured

In Rhythm and Rhyme


Galaxies sail

The ethereal Brine

 Ships of colored Light

In Sacred Design


My Classroom---

An ever-darkening Sky

Full with Intimations of Infinity---

Blessed Fruit ---silver Blossoms rife

Adorn the Cosmic Tree of Life.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Yellow Solar Star/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 2


9 Lamat


Yellow Solar Star



And Moon

Pyramids of Stone –

Heart’s Fire –- Dust unto

Dust – Immortal Toltec Gods

Creation’s ancient Glyph & Tone –

Sacred flaming Gifts to Quetzalcoatl –

Plumed Serpent – Symbol of a Shaman’s Crown



I climb

The moaning

 Wind to the Summit –

Phoenix rising from the Ashes –

Past Lives renewed and incarnated –

Who climbed these Heights, never to descend?




Has prayed

Here to gods of Fear

 And Desperation?  Echoes hum

Sung by Souls gone long ago to Rest –

 Gentle Patience pulses in silent shining Stars

Watching the dubious Progress of Man –

 How miniscule are these grand

 Structures to the wide

 Eyes of Heaven?

The Sun or


©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, August 23, 2024

Blue Galactic Hand/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 1


8 Manik


Blue Galactic Hand


Two wild Swans

Swim stately by

The northern Shore---

Symbols of the peaceful Soul---

Realized and whole


Apparently, a Pair

One female---one male

Calm and slow

Mark of the sacred Androgyne –

White as driven Snow.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, August 22, 2024

White Resonant World-Bridge/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 28



7 Cimi


White Resonant World-Bridger 


A hidden Thing is Wisdom---

The Seed within the Fruit

Her Power is Potential

Patient, prudent – innocent


Confused with Knowledge often---

Great Insight grows apace

In graceful, peaceful Solitude

In rich Experience


Finally Wisdom blossoms

The Shell surrounding breaks---

We perceive beyond all Form

 The Shift to Love is born. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Red Rhythmic Serpent/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 27


6 Chicchan 


Red Rhythmic Serpent


 Transformation flows

Through Universal Waters


Into Air from Fire

The Phoenix flies


 Life Force quickens the Circuit---

Organizing Instinct




Your Survival is





©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Yellow Overtone Seed/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 26


5 Kan


Yellow Overtone Seed


Sing this song for Women

Who are left bereft---

When Children, Brothers, Husbands, Parents die---

Women of the War-torn World---

Killed and maimed---

Burned---stoned---raped---beheaded and shot through---

Let us weep for those

Who live half-lives---Hearts torn up---

Riven into jagged wounds---

Wet with sacred Water---

Wet with tears of Grief


Weep also for those

Harpies of the Patriarchy

Whose Passion becomes Madness---

When Logic gives way

And Violence holds sway

These Women are Women no more---

Lost in the Wasteland of a Land undone---


This country like an aberrant

Adolescent, thrown between Extremes---

Losing all Balance 

These women Shriek---

Unnerved by Insanity

They shout from twisted Mouths---

Hurling Insults and Epithets---

These Women are deranged

Unstrung---women who kill

Their young with prejudicial Poison---

Cry for these Hearts

Shattered---battered beyond Repair

Hearts living outside the Body---

Unconnected---broken---closed to Compassion

 Women no more

These “Vagina Dentatae”---

The blind Graeae of one Eye only.

 ©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, August 19, 2024

Blue Self-Existing Night/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 25


4 Akbal 


Blue Self-Existing Night 


Double Vision

Found in Dreams

Gives Way

To central Scenes---

Telling Psyche’s Story

In symbolic Allegory


These elemental Forms

And Themes---


Perform throughout

The long dark Night

To reconcile the Day. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, August 18, 2024

White Electric Wind/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 24


3 ik


White Electric Wind 


Fleeting Illusion---

Perpetual Motion---

Constant Change---

Electric Charge---


White Cloud---

Spirit Breath

Dissolving in

Blessings of Rain


White Cloud

Or Gray or Silver-lined

Seem Wind

Made visible and fair---

A sacred alchemical Wedding

Of Water and Air. 


©Kleomichele Leeds


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Red Lunar Dragon/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 23


2 Imix 


Red Lunar Dragon 

Like the human Heart

Red Dragon

Yearns to soar---

Feathered Wings take flight


Intuition surges---

Power grows

Life Force flows---


Galactic Harmonic

Heart purified

By universal Water fed. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

8/16/2024 Yellow Magnetic Sun/ Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose, Day 22



Yellow Magnetic Sun



Under the Magnetic Sun

In all ways, we are One---

Magnified in Purpose

Unified by Love


Under the yellow Sun

Threads of Light

Weave Time and Space

Into 13 Moons of Grace


Another Sun Rises

Over the Red Road---

 New Humans initiate

The original Time Code.



©Kleomichele Leeds