Friday, September 13, 2024

Yellow Electric Star/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 22


3 Lamat


Yellow Electric Star




Helix in Flux

Crystal Harmonics---


Listen for the small Voice still---

Sound beneath all Sound

Radiant Light

Within a starry Round---


Attune your Soul

To sacred Geometry

Climb Jacob’s Ladder---

Ascend---descend with Angels---


Into the Earth-Heart Chakra*

The Almond in her Shell

The New Jerusalem---

The sub-atomic Cell


Foundation of our Being

Source of Light and Sound

Aphrodite’s** Crown of Jewels

Gleaming on Love’s Ground.


*Chakra (Sanskrit):  Vortex of life force located in the physical and metaphysical bodies.

**Aphrodite: The Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sensuality, and fertility.



©Kleomichele Leeds


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