Monday, September 9, 2024

9/10/2024 Red Cosmic Serpent/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 19


13 Chicchan


Red Cosmic Serpent


Rejecting conscious Ecstasy

We descend into Purgatory –

A Culture of Afflictions

And ritualized Addictions 


Our divine and potent Destiny

Lies dazed – degraded

Drunk – inflated – drugged and sated

With consumer Goods and Services 


 Hierarchies mete and measure

Top to Bottom

 Left to Hard Right---

Defending the indefensible


Imagination dies in Projection

Fundamentalism breeds Ignorance---

Perfectionism precludes Creation

Capitalism kills Compassion


But coiled among and between

Straight Lines---Laws, Rules, and Regulations---

 Curves a Serpent, like a Smile

Oblivious and full of Wild Life---


The ineffable Arc of a nurturing Breast

Breaks through this Madness in the west



Silent silver One –

Slide in and out from under

 Patriarchy finally

Dead and torn asunder.

©Kleomichele Leeds

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