Wednesday, September 11, 2024

White Magnetic World-Bridger/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 20

1 Cimi


White Magnetic World-Bridger


 Death arrives---

A Blade of Atropos*

In the Land of Life, Death, Life

The Cycle dips to Nadir---


Breath stops

Motion ends —-


Only that which

We can sense---


A finer Phase begins---

A Psychopomp arrives---

The Guide of Souls

Adds another Thread---

Upon the Loom Maya


Soul’s Being

Beneath Breath is only

Shining Love


We doff the Envelope

And fly again.



*Atropos: The third of three Fates in Greek myth; She who holds the scissors which mark the end of life on earth, the cutting of life’s thread.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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