Monday, September 23, 2024

White Cosmic Mirror/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 4


13 Etznab


White Cosmic Mirror


 Degradation of the Human Race

Has reached its full Completion


In all of Nature’s vast Display---

 Variety and Beauty indescribable---

There is one Face extraordinary---

Innocence made visible


I sing of the northern Infants

Slaughtered for their Fur---

Such a Prize---such a bloody Boon

For the Hunter


These Babes are easy Prey

Too young to swim away---

Heads shattered---skinned alive

Left to die in Agony

In front of weeping Mothers


Enormous dark Eyes mirror

Man’s Inhumanity---Cruelty---Insanity---

Lifeless, skinless babies’ Bodies

Thrown away to rot

Upon the Snow and Ice

Now stained with Blood and Gore

No More!

No More!


The Harp Seal---

Striking Beauty

 In a barren Wilderness

Struck down---bludgeoned to Death

For a Wallet or Coat 


Beware! All who participate

Beware! All who fail to protest


The Slaughter of Innocents

Goes not unpunished.



©Kleomichele Leeds

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