Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Yellow Resonant Human/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 26


7 Eb


Yellow Resonant Human



For all the days of all your life be sure

That my love reaches you through time and space---

My heart limns phrases of a faith secure

Beyond all doubt – all fear it doth erase

Our spirits sound a harmony divine

Transforming sorrow into joyful song---

Devotion grows in manner strong and fine

To victory and triumph we belong---

In truth we rise into realms eternal

Protecting one another from all strife---

Bathed in wisdom, bliss and light supernal

We pass through death together into Life


Unchain thy Self forever from all pain---

That our noble Spirits may be born again.



©Kleomichele Leeds



Monday, September 16, 2024

Blue Rhythmic Monkey/ Lunar Scorpion Monkey of Challenge, Day 25



6 Chuen


Blue Rhythmic Monkey


Moon-Song pulls us

Through life/death/life

Surrounding Bodies with Soul


Soul is paramount

Paradox and tantamount

To our blessed Destiny


Purpose lends meaning

To Life in this Mechanized Age

False Age, False Time, Wrong Ratio


Art alone unites


Appoints the Angels

In our Midst.


©Kleomichele Leeds


Sunday, September 15, 2024

White Overtone Dog/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 24


5 Oc

White Overtone Dog


Give me but Silence

And a green Glade

A soft Breeze

To cool the Fire in my Heart


How simple is this

Elemental Grace---

Yet far away and lost

In the frantic daily Pace


Life is full of This and That

Where to go and What to do

Whom to meet and What to say

Choices lost and Choices made


Mundane Details are the Sieve

Through which my Genius

Slips away to Silence


And a green Glade. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Red Self-Existing Moon/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 23


4 Muluc 


Red Self-Existing Moon


Feathered Wings 

Upon a Red Moon spread---


Intuition surges in

 Universal Waters pure


 Forming a Portal

In great Galactic Storms---


Planetary Harmonics

Flow into a beating Heart


By Light informed

By Life Force formed.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, September 13, 2024

Yellow Electric Star/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 22


3 Lamat


Yellow Electric Star




Helix in Flux

Crystal Harmonics---


Listen for the small Voice still---

Sound beneath all Sound

Radiant Light

Within a starry Round---


Attune your Soul

To sacred Geometry

Climb Jacob’s Ladder---

Ascend---descend with Angels---


Into the Earth-Heart Chakra*

The Almond in her Shell

The New Jerusalem---

The sub-atomic Cell


Foundation of our Being

Source of Light and Sound

Aphrodite’s** Crown of Jewels

Gleaming on Love’s Ground.


*Chakra (Sanskrit):  Vortex of life force located in the physical and metaphysical bodies.

**Aphrodite: The Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sensuality, and fertility.



©Kleomichele Leeds


9/12/2024 Blue Lunar Hand/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 21

2 Manik


Blue Lunar Hand


Polarities define

 Third Dimension



Inspire Dialogue



Illusion merely



And all Degrees between

Belie Reality



All that limits Thee



Become the End


Resolve Thy Vision


Now transcend!


©Kleomichele Leeds


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

White Magnetic World-Bridger/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 20

1 Cimi


White Magnetic World-Bridger


 Death arrives---

A Blade of Atropos*

In the Land of Life, Death, Life

The Cycle dips to Nadir---


Breath stops

Motion ends —-


Only that which

We can sense---


A finer Phase begins---

A Psychopomp arrives---

The Guide of Souls

Adds another Thread---

Upon the Loom Maya


Soul’s Being

Beneath Breath is only

Shining Love


We doff the Envelope

And fly again.



*Atropos: The third of three Fates in Greek myth; She who holds the scissors which mark the end of life on earth, the cutting of life’s thread.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, September 9, 2024

9/10/2024 Red Cosmic Serpent/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 19


13 Chicchan


Red Cosmic Serpent


Rejecting conscious Ecstasy

We descend into Purgatory –

A Culture of Afflictions

And ritualized Addictions 


Our divine and potent Destiny

Lies dazed – degraded

Drunk – inflated – drugged and sated

With consumer Goods and Services 


 Hierarchies mete and measure

Top to Bottom

 Left to Hard Right---

Defending the indefensible


Imagination dies in Projection

Fundamentalism breeds Ignorance---

Perfectionism precludes Creation

Capitalism kills Compassion


But coiled among and between

Straight Lines---Laws, Rules, and Regulations---

 Curves a Serpent, like a Smile

Oblivious and full of Wild Life---


The ineffable Arc of a nurturing Breast

Breaks through this Madness in the west



Silent silver One –

Slide in and out from under

 Patriarchy finally

Dead and torn asunder.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, September 8, 2024

9/9/2024 Yellow Crystal Human/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 18


12 Eb



Yellow Crystal Human 



Yellow Crystal

Seeds the Cube---


  Divinity flowers in

Infinite Variety---


 Symphonies of Light 

Sing us into Life---


Thus begins another Song

Catalyzing Consciousness on Earth


 Form embodies Soul

Sanctifying sacred Birth.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Blue Spectral Night/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 17


11 Akbal


 Blue Spectral Night


As Mercury

Turns retrograde

 Light transfigures Night--- 

Spectral Blue dissolves


Into thirteen Moons

Of purposeful Dreaming---

Abundant Intuition

Liberation from Doctrine---


Ascend the Heights of Soul

To seven Gates of Pearl---

Transcend ego Consciousness---

Allow Nirvana to unfurl! 

©Kleomichele Leeds

8/7/2024 White Planetary Wind/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 16


10 Ik 


White Planetary Wind


 Light Beams dapple

 Dancing Leaves---


Tall Trees

Whistle and hum

In the Breeze---


Spirit sings

On the Wind---


Spirit speaks

In Tongues unnumbered


As Air-filled Grasses sway

Like Sails on a Blue---Green Sea. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, September 6, 2024

Red Solar Dragon/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 15


9 Imix



Red Solar Dragon


Red Dragons coil----

Circling the Earth----

Dimensional Dichotomies sing

 Being and Becoming


Ordaining Birth

 Death and Rebirth

Both Poison and its Antidote----

 Soul’s eternal Paradox in Time


Intention carries us

From Cradle to Grave---

 Love fills the Spaces in between---

With Measures of Rhythm and Rhyme. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Yellow Galactic Sun/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 14


8 Ahau


Yellow Galactic Sun


Dear Heart

Find the Center---

Your sweet saltwater Sea---

Clear and o’er-brimming


 Sparks of Love

Burst into Flame---

White Tears ---Red dust

Black Sun in my Throat


Throbbing like a Shaman’s Drum

Through the Age of Chaos

When Centers give way---

They cannot hold!


Boundaries collapse

And Walls also

Against this Gold alchemical

Within a Heart on Fire. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

*Benedictio Fontis: Baptismal fountain used by the Roman Catholic church during Easter season.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Blue Resonant Storm/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 13

7 Cauac



Blue Resonant Storm



I move away from here to Her

Seeking inner Realms of Power

Distant Shores of Peace


Sometimes in the Night only I am---

Forgetting---fearing---crying to be heard

Until Remembrance embraces me again---

I hear and then begin to listen


I hearken to the Voices in the Wind---

Murmuring Sounds of the Rain---

Storms recede---I remain

A celestial Mind in earthbound Dream.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

White Rhythmic Mirror/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 12


6 Etznab


White Rhythmic Mirror 


My Lord, thou master Artist of all Time

Draw us together - my true Love and me –

Blend all disparate Hues with Line sublime –

This Portrait mirrors our own Destiny.

Fill with Thy Light our Bodies in this Frame

That we exalt Thy peerless Excellence.

Design within our Hearts’ eternal Flame

Allegiance, Balance, Faith, and Reverence –

Paint Joy and Kindness on a Canvas clear

Assigning Form and Shape with expert Skill.

Allow a wondrous Palette to appear

Against Thy splendid Landscape of Good Will


Glory so great no Gallery can hold –

We spring to Life and break the ancient Mold. 



©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, September 2, 2024

Red Overtone Earth/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 11


5 Caban


Red Overtone Earth 

Mars spins crimson

Under the white hot

 Solar Wind---


The Death of Mars tells

 A Cautionary Tale to Earth---

A Story of Debts outstanding


The Asteroid Belt

Born of Planet Maldek

Paid the Price---


Earth’s Fate

Stands on the Brink

Of Karma unsettled---

The Failure to transform

Fear into Love---

Ego to Soul.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Yellow Self-Existent Warrior/ Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 10


 4 Cib


Yellow Self-Existing Warrior

Within the Psyche

Lives a Being---

The exuberant Masculine

Who believes in Good


One who is certain and sure---

One who is wise

Unafraid of Death---

Some call him the Warrior Self


He is the Spirit Self---

A young Spirit

Who---regardless of Torment

Wounds and Exile---


Continues to Love---

He honors the Red Road

To Self-healing, Self-mending---

He follows the Road to Soul.


©Kleomichele Leeds