Saturday, July 13, 2024

White Rhythmic World-Bridger/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 17


6 Ix

White Rhythmic World-Bridger


Sonnet IX


Thou art the blessing of a too-kind god

When for a partner did my spirit cry---

You see my virtue where no other would

While to my faults you close a loving eye.

As I the lyric write you play the song---

Melodies thus fashioned live forever---

‘Tis true that to each other we belong---

A duet in tune – discordant never.

A separation makes our music still---

Still meaning silent, yet continuing---

No power is as strong as true love’s will---

Bold instrument of heaven’s designing.


Faith has yielded what desire could not do---

For I alone could ne’er imagine you. 


 ©Kleomichele Leeds

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