Thursday, July 4, 2024

Red Planetary Earth/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 8


10 Caban



Red Planetary Earth


Upon this red and fecund Earth

Lives a Race of Planetary Humans

Poised on the Edge of

Massive Evolution


History ended in 2012---

Marking the Conclusion of

The Sacred Maya Long Count of Days---

A Count of 5,125 Years---

 Thirteen times 144,000 Days


Measure/Movement/Time/ Space---

 Vertical and horizontal Axes---

Create Matter and Energy

Within this 3rd Dimension---

Now prepare to leap


Into the Frame of Cosmic History---

 Cosmic Science---the

Grand Purpose of our Being

Here Now---Prepare yourselves

For Time and Space anew!


We move into Harmonic Time

In the ratio of 13:20---changing

Rhythms---Thirteen Moons

Twenty--eight Days each---

Time now reflects Nature’s Feminine Divine

Planetary Humans are

Both awakened and asleep---

Awakened Ones lead the Way

 High Priests & Priestesses of Time


Moving us from outmoded Methods

And chaotic Degradation into Galactic

Ethics and newly organized

Consciousness---into mindful Yogis---

Meditating Beings of Peace


Let us graduate from Mechanistic

Intelligence into Synchronic Noospheric

Thought---which is to say, Cosmic Timing Frequencies---

For we are Cosmic in  Nature

Beings of the Galaxy---

 Beings of Light.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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