Monday, July 1, 2024

6/30/2024 Red Rhythmic Skywalker/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 4

 6 Ben


Red Rhythmic Skywalker

On the Body of the Goddess Gaia

We live and have our Being---

She dances through the Heavens

Full of Beauty, Joy, and Bounty---

She regulates our perfect Balance

Of Elements and Animals--


Why would we rape Her?

Burn Her Forests---drill Her Bones---

Endlessly suck Her Blood from the ground?

Why do we pollute Her Water, Soil, and Air?

Why do we destroy Her?

We kill Her animal Children and Ourselves---

She, who is Mother and our Homeland---

How short-sighted and ignorant

Are we---her Children?


Our Consciousness is venal---low

Greed is not good---but Evil incarnate---

We profane the Sacred

In every Way---

Goddess, help us.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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