Tuesday, July 30, 2024

7/31/2024 Yellow Spectral Seed/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 6


11 Kan


Yellow Spectral Seed 



The Endurance

Of a Seed---

Compact Promise

Concealed Precision 

Dormant Possibility


Within Acorn

A Forest entire---

An Empire of Trees

With Bounty enough

To feed all Nations


One conscious Mind

Fully nurtured and aware

Can move us

From Despair to Joy---

Blindness to clear Sight


Can lead us from Fear---

Far from Grief---

Guide us with Grace

To the Tree of Life

In a Garden of Delight. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Blue Planetary Night/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 5


10 Akbal


Blue Planetary Night 


An Abundance of

 Visions and Dreams

Floats through Planetary Nights


Up from the Depths

Rise Symbols and Themes

Redolent with Meaning


Treasure all---

For numinous are these

And sacred---


Holding Energy enough

To render Whole

A lost or broken Soul. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, July 29, 2024

White Solar Wind/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 4


9 Ik


White Solar Wind 



Veils Infinity---

Mortality masks



Solar Wind

Strips Lie from Truth

Reducing both

 To Bone


 When phantom Souls

Sip Tears of Love

Flesh and Sinew



Sacred Shapes

Emerge revealed




©Kleomichele Leeds                      

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Red Galactic Dragon/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 3




8 Imix



Red Galactic Dragon


Red Dragon

Red Road

Red River

Red Earth


Giver of Birth---


And Re-birth


Universal Waters fall---

Flowing into

High Dimension


Now comprehend

The Language of the Gods –




©Kleomichele Leeds


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yellow Resonant Sun/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 2



7 Ahau 


Yellow Resonant Sun


When Time is Art, then

 Sun---Thou art

Perfection’s Star


Shining Elegance

 Light’s Anchor---

Wisdom’s Author

 Beauty manifest---


Spirit’s descent

Into Matter

Animating Cosmos





©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, July 26, 2024

Blue Rhythmic Storm/ Magnetic Moon of Purpose, Day 1



6 Cauac


Blue Rhythmic Storm


Storm transforms

Lightning into Consciousness---

Thunder into Intelligence---

Downpour into Soul---


Disturbing Turbulent

Turbines of Clouds

Connect and Combine

 Heaven and Earth


Catalyzing Coruscation---

Roaring Rumbles

Organizing Ions

Generating Rebirth


Electromagnetic Attraction

Distracts Attention within

The Mundane caught


Then falls the Rain---

Sweet Baptismal Afterthought. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

7/25/2024 White Overtone Mirror/ Day Out of Time


5 Etznab


White Overtone Mirror


 The glass Heart shatters

In Time’s Mirror-Hall---

One Shard – one Fragment

 Reflecting All


Each Hologram holds

 Soul’s Echo---

Intuition’s Home---

Dimensions of the Overtone


 This Earth Life is Metaphor---

Every Scene Projection---

 Keen Desire’s Fire

  Always Karma-bound  


Empowerment lives

 In Compassion---

Find Peace of Mind

Beyond blinding Ego.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Red Self-Existing Earth/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 28



4 Caban



Red Self-Existing Earth


The blushing Earth

 Turns coyly  

From Sun’s fierce Eye

At dusk---


 Through the Night

She navigates Revolutions---

Spinning sacred Rhythms 

And Synchronicities---


Nurtured by

This sapphire Sphere

The Children gather---

Beneath her pale Sister Moon.



©Kleomichele Leeds



7/23/2024 Yellow Electric Warrior/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 27


3 Cib 


Yellow Electric Warrior


A hidden Thing is Wisdom ---

The Seed within the Fruit

Her Power is Potential---



Confused with Knowledge often

 Wisdom grows apace---

From generative Soil

In tune with Nature’s Grace


 Understanding finally blossoms---

Protection falls away---

   Flowers issue Fragrance

Of irresistible Bouquet. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, July 22, 2024

Blue Lunar Eagle/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 26


2 Men


Blue Lunar Eagle

 Polarities define this

 Third Dimension



Inspire Dialogue



Illusion merely ---

Unnecessary actually



And all Degrees between

Belie Reality



All that limits Thee


The Beginning

Becomes the End


Absolve Thy Vision---

Now transcend!


©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, July 21, 2024

White Magnetic Wizard/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 25


1 Ix


White Magnetic Wizard 


Thus begins another Round

Of Tones thirteen---


One Jaguar


On hallowed Ground



The honored Rites

Of Depths and Heights---


Vast Terrains

Of Sacred

Universal Ground---


 Eyes flash

Topaz through fractal



Star-seeded Intuition

Nurtures Soul –

 The Mark and Target

Of our Evolution.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Red Cosmic Skywalker/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 24



13 Ben


Red Cosmic Skywalker


Fly to the Nearness

Of outer Space


Where Skywalkers

Pace and explore---


 Galaxies spring

From Sound and Light---


Fractals sing to

 Stars at Night


From these, we are formed

By these adored.



©Kleomichele Leeds




7/19/2024 Yellow Crystal Human/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 23


12 Eb 


Yellow Crystal Human  


Yellow Crystal

Seeds the Cube


  Divinity flowers into

Infinite Varieties---


 Symphonies of Light 

Sing us into Life


Thus begins another Song

Catalyzing Consciousness on Earth


 Form embodies Soul

Sanctifying sacred Birth.



©Kleomichele Leeds


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Blue Spectral Monkey/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 22


11 Chuen


Blue Spectral Monkey


Light plays

Upon a vast and rhythmic Sea---

Waves demonstrate rich

 Diversity within Unity


Spectral Magic’s

On the Rise---

Elementals organize---

 Power doubles


Paradox reflects Eternity

Mathematics code Infinity---

The Beginning ends---

The End begins again.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

White Planetary Dog/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 21

10 Oc


White Planetary Dog


“Poetry is made in bed, like love---

The unmade sheets are the dawn of things” *

Wed in the bodies of women

Are Space and Time---

Time by numinous blood is marked or held---

Making space for Life to grow in Form

 Form born of sacred Grace---

The grand Void and Vacuum

Churning and Yearning for a new thing---

A cosmic Magnet irresistible

Spins Movement and Measure together---

Sacred Music pours from the galactic Center

Weaving a Dance so entrancing that

The Masculine cannot help but rise and enter.


©Kleomichele Leeds

*Taken from a poem by André Breton


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Red Solar Moon/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 20


9 Muluc


Red Solar Moon


   Within its Universal Water

 Heart/Moon Forms a Portal

In the great Galactic Storm---


Intuition surges

Life Force flows---

Moon/Heart red

With Power glows


Solar Harmonic---

Heart purified---

By Hunab K'u



©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, July 15, 2024

Yellow Galactic Star/ Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence, Day 19


8 Lamat 


Yellow Galactic Star


Nascent Moon---

Bull’s Horn Crescent

Silver Cuticle Curve askew

Superb Aphrodite attends you


Sky Child---

Maiden Goddess---

Preparing your

Circuit of Beauty


Elegant Service

Modeling Art---

A Treasure found

In the human Heart.



©Kleomichele Leeds