Friday, May 24, 2024

Yellow Galactic Warrior/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 23


Yellow Galactic Warrior



I mop and sweep

I dust and weep

I scour, scrub, and fill the Pail

I polish the Knives and Spoons and Forks---

I’m thin and pale

From Overwork!

I wipe and wash

I dry and try

To keep my rough Hands soft

I clean and iron

I hustle and bustle

To chase the Dirt away---

I am tired and mired

In Cobwebs and Motes

Floating in vacuumed Air---

I clean the Silver

Hang out the Wash

I bleached and 

Reach for More---

I straighten the Rugs

And change the Sheets---

Fluffing and folding

Keeping Mice at Bay---

Wait!! Did I say Mice?


My Coach is on the way.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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