Friday, May 31, 2019

White Planetary Mirror/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation, Day 2

10 Etznab

White Planetary Mirror

Murdered was my Soul –

In infancy
Ignored –

Or given deadly
Double Meanings

By five
I was wise –
Well beyond my Years

Thoroughly repressed
Utterly depressed

It got much worse –
Needle Tracks

Insults – Incest – Neglect
Not – so – veiled References
To my horrendous Imperfections –
There was no pleasing
No appeasing
No approval
In their Eyes

I fail
In all Ways –

Is it my Death-wish?
Or just my Death
They wish?

My Soul was
Shattered long ago
And with it died my Dreams.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Red Solar Earth/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation, Day 1

9 Caban

Red Solar Earth 

In the Dead of Winter I was born
The Sighs and Cries rang out for Days
And far into the frigid, crystal Nights
I missed New Year’s Day
Descending late – delaying
My Departure from a warm Womb
Into the cold, white World

In the Dead of Winter I was born
With black wet curly Hair
So overgrown and heavy
That “Monkey” or “Medusa” came to Mind

Little did I wish to go another Round on Earth
Or feel another mortal Wound –
My Eardrums failed to close
My Eyes so large and dark
Always saw short-sightedly

In the Dead of Winter I was born
Life leapt up - dealing Death
A feisty Blow –
Brittle Bough and
Ice-filled Lake no Match for
Red hot Blood – the Will to be
A fresh young Heart –
Making a small Spring
In the Dead of Winter.

©Kleomichele Leeds 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Yellow Galactic Warrior/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 28

Yellow Resonant Warrior

I mop and sweep
I dust and weep
I scour, scrub and fill the Pail
I polish the Knives and Spoons and Forks –
I’m thin and pale
From Overwork!
I wipe and wash
I dry and try
To keep my rough Hands soft
I clean and iron
Hustle and bustle
To chase the Dirt away –
I am tired and mired
In Cobwebs and Motes
Floating in vacuumed Air –
I clean the Silver
Hang out the Wash
I bleach and then
Reach for More –
I straighten the Rugs
And change the Sheets –
Fluffing and folding –
Keeping the Mice at Bay

Did I say Mice?
My Coach is on the way.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blue Resonant Eagle/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 27

7 Men

Blue Resonant Eagle

Red White Blue Yellow
Such are the Colors
Of the Medicine Wheel
Such are the Colors of Humankind

Red White Blue Yellow
East North West South
Such are the Cardinal Directions
Such are the Faces of the Wind

This Cosmology heals
With strong Medicine –
When each has Dignity
 All are heard

Red White Blue Yellow
Brothers and Sisters we –
Denizens of the Medicine Wheel
Each is necessary for all to Heal.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/27/2019 White Rhythmic Wizard/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 26

6 Ix

White Rhythmic Wizard
(New York City Suite)

 Cacophony of Horns
Movement – Motion
Rapid Restless
Traffic –

Monument to Materialism
Temptation – Seduction
Greatness of Possibility
Possibility of Greatness
 Choices – Changes
Losses – Gains

Solid – Intense - Gray
Concrete testimonies to Genius
Architecture – Fashion - Art
Finance – Efficiency – Economy

And above all else –

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/26/2019 Red Overtone Skywalker/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 25

5 Ben

Red Overtone Skywalker

Wherever Eros flies

There, too, are nine

Daughters of Zeus

And Mnemosyne*

*Mnemosyne: Cultural memory in Greek mythology; also the mother of the nine Muses: Kleo; Thalia; Erato; Euterpe; Polyhymnia; Calliope; Terpsichore; Urania; Melpomene.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, May 26, 2019

5/25/2019 Yellow Self-Existing Human/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 24

4 Eb

Yellow Self-Existing Human

You touch my Thigh
My Eyes close as I awaken
To Feelings found again

Love – Joy – Terror
Flood my Heart -
Change is on the Wing

From Innocent to Woman -
Psyche’s archetypal Journey
Hidden like a Flame beneath the Sea.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/24/2019 Blue Electric Monkey/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 23

3 Chuen

Blue Electric Monkey

Invade my Soul – Dear One

Transform my Heart and Mind –

Let neither Fear nor bastard Thought

Deceive or me unconscious find

Disperse thy Self throughout my self

Each Cell a fractal Entity –

 Quantum Grace

Magnetic Field

Celestial Deity.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/23/2019 White Lunar Dog/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 22

2 Oc

White Lunar Dog

My Spirit falls – shattered
By Barricades more solid
Than any mortared Brick could fuse

Unwittingly I descend
Into the seventh Hell
Of lusty Phrases worn with Use

Divorced and desperate I came here
 To seek my Self – observe and grow
Beyond the Realm of Mediocrity

Cradled by sweet Reason my Soul
Reclaimed itself into a Structure girded
Well against satanic Mockery

You caressed my Body’s Curves and Spaces –
The trembling of my Womb
Held you closely dark and deep

In loving you my Spirit grew half-strong –
Giddy with Delight to reach
The Height of long-forgotten Dreams

But Night and you together
Blasphemed my sacred Peace –
The Wish to love became the Wish to please

Betrayed by the shallow Light behind your Eyes
I lay shrouded in Deception
I stumbled then but will again arise.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Red Magnetic Moon/ Spectral Serpent Moon of LIberation, Day 21

1 Muluc

Red Magnetic Moon

Sweet, sacred Moon –
As the Sky turns Pale
Trading black for blue
The Stars and I
Adore you
Eastern Mountains hide you
Trumpets herald not this Dawn
But Animals hail you
And Children shout
As you climb –
Brighter than Belief
Like another Sun until
You are wholly above us
Ascending – sending down
Bright Beams of white –
The Rim of every Hill shines
As Convex Aureoles alight

I thrill that still
You deem us worthy
 Of your clear
Quicksilver Blessing.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Yellow Cosmic Star/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 20

13 Lamat

Yellow Cosmic Star

Klotho*- spin your golden Thread
Upon the silver Star
At the Center of my Forehead –

Open wide my virgin Vein
With New Moon’s
Sickle – Scythe

Call forth the Poetry to arise
Like Pegasus** from Medusa***
Wingèd – beautiful and wise.

*Klotho: The first of three Fates or Moirae in Greek myth; she spins the thread of life.

**Pegasus: A white, winged steed who sprang from the beheaded body of Medusa; patron of the Muses, goddesses of art and poetry.

*** Medusa: A queen of ancient Lydia whom the goddess Athena transformed into a serpent-haired Gorgon.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, May 20, 2019

Blue Crystal Hand/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 19

12 Manik

Blue Crystal Hand

The winter lives
In Death’s apparent frozen Sleep –
Dreamless Days march one against another
Like Soldiers gone to Battle
Each fiercer than its Brother

The layered Depths of Frost
Upon a lifeless Tree
Assume a Chill of Loneliness
In Nature’s vast Decree
Of Dormancy and cruel Duress

The Cycle of a Season’s Rest –
The Time when all Things lay
Beneath sweet sugared Snow
Which knows no Corner
Where it cannot go.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/19/2019 White Spectral World-Bridger/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 18

11 Cimi

White Spectral World-Bridger

Death, surround me now
I swim in the Underworld
Lower than Low –

Down to the Depths
Of Darkness –
I go to Xibalba*

Is there
But the Ache
In my Heart.

*Xibalba is described in the Maya sacred text, Popol Vuh, as a court below the surface of the Earth associated with death and with twelve gods or powerful rulers, known as the Lords of Xibalba.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/18/2019 Red Planetary Serpent/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 17

10 Chicchan

Red Planetary Serpent

As she melts upon my Tongue
I swallow down the full Moon whole
She settles in my Belly while
I drink the Wine of Kingdom come

She takes a silver Ride inside
Where Flesh had been until
The container of a woman’s Life
Fell beneath a Surgeon’s Knife

Scalpel cut the Sinew and the Nerve
Creating open Space –
My Womb is in the Tomb
But even more is in its Place

My Progeny are Prose and Poetry
Conceived in the Soul by Night –
Infants unnumbered are borne
On a bright shining Beam of blue Light.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, May 17, 2019

Yellow Solar Seed/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 16 Seli

9 Kan

Yellow Solar Seed

Clouds float by
In grand Procession –
Pillowing - Billowing
Mountainous Wisps of white –
Stately Fortresses of Mist
Kissing the blue Sky

Shape-shifters all
Turning Light to Shade
Eclipsing Sun – Moon - Stars
Silently they pass en masse
Carrying all to Heaven.

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/16/2019 Blue Galactic Night/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 15

8 Akbal

Blue Galactic Night

In the Midnight Fire
Of winter’s second Moon
I rise again
To ask for Blessing

In the Midnight Fire –
A full Moon blazing
All Fear dissipates
In a Prayer for Love and Peace

In the Midnight Fire
Of the Midnight Hour
My heart’s Wing
Reaches to embrace my Beloved

The full Moon burns 
In a midnight Sky
Far Stars shine twice bright
Each tear Turning
To a Pearl of great Price. 

©Kleomichele Leeds

5/15/2019 White Resonant Wind/ Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation, Day 14

7 Ik

White Resonant Wind

I hear a Call
From the Western Gate –
From Roses on the Vine

Lightning flashes from Head to Toe
Settling in the Belly –
The slow Burn of wild Desire

I feel a Call
Lifting me out of the Desert
Out of the Dark - into the Wind

Gone the dry Weeds
Gone the burning Sun
Through me, a cool Breeze rises

I know this Sound
I’ve heard the Call before
Before the Locusts ate my Life

Now clear Water flows
I’ve reached an Oasis
My Thirst is sated
My Hunger ceases.

©Kleomichele Leeds