Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Yellow Galactic Sun/ Yellow Crystal Human - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 11

Colored lighograph of the Huron chief, Nicholas Vincent Tsawanhonhi, 
drawn from an original painting by Edward Chatfield.

The Huron Indians were part of the Iroquoian people who were named Hurons by the French in the 17th century. Hurons, meaning "boar’s head," came from the Old French hure, which referred to the male Hurons’ bristly coiffure. The name also meant "rough" and "boorish." Although the French gave them this name, the Hurons called themselves Wendat, Guyandot, or Wyandot. These names are assumed to mean "islanders" or "peninsula dwellers." This is because there territory was bounded on three sides by water. The Huron name is usually referred to those who were of importance to the Canadians. The Wyandot name specifically refers to those Hurons who moved to the southeastern area of Detroit in the United States. As a matter of fact, the city of Wyandot, Michigan has a picture of the Wyandot/Huron Indians at the entrance of the city. Living between Lake Simcoe and the southeastern corner of Georgian Bay, 20,000 to 40, 000 of these Indians lived in 18 to 25 villages. Settling between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario, these Indians were significant to both the Americans and the Canadians.

Like the Miami, the Huron Indians were divided into numerous clans, consisting of the Rock Clan, the Cord Clan, the Bear Clan, the Deer Clan, and the One House Lodge. The Huron Indians looked up to the Iroquois, imitating their skills in building. They built their houses with elm bark and elongated them on high grounds near rivers and springs. The Huron also copied the ways in which the Iroquois farmed by using the same crops, such as corn, beans, squash, sunflowers, and tobacco. Corn was a primary crop of the Hurons. Later, however, the "three sister" crops of Amerindian agriculture, which included corn, beans, and squash, were grown as a principal food source. Even though the women were in charge of planting and farming, the men would always be responsible for the tobacco plants, and the women would be in charge of all other crops. The Hurons had so many crops, one commented on the seven thousand acres saying "it was easier to get lost in the corn field" than in the surrounding forest. About eighty percent of the Indians' food came from their crops. The rest went to trade with others. When hunting, the Hurons used bows and arrows to shoot deer, nets to catch beaver, and traps to catch bears.They also fished in lakes and rivers primarily for whitefish. Unlike the Iroquois, they used canoes made of birch bark, like those of the Algonquian tribe.  

The modern Wyandot emerged in the late 17th century from the remnants of two earlier groups, the Wendat or Huron Confederacy and the Tionontate, called the Petun (tobacco people) by the French because of their cultivation of the crop. They were located in the southern part of what is now the Canadian province of Ontario around Georgian Bay. Drastically reduced in number by epidemic diseases after 1634, they were dispersed by war in 1649 from the Iroquois, the Haudenosaunee, then based in New York.

Today the Wyandot have a First Nations reserve in Quebec, Canada. They also have three major settlements in the United States, two of which have independently governed, federally recognized tribes. Due to differing development of the groups, they speak distinct forms of Wendat and Wyandot languages.


Kin 60: Yellow Galactic Sun

I harmonize in order to enlighten
Modeling life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of flowering.

True initiates value unity and harmony, and are always striving for the highest possible self-integration and experience of universal brother/sisterhood.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of  Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

The Sacred Tzolk'in 

Svadhistanha Chakra  (Kali Plasma)

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