Thursday, January 29, 2015

Yellow Magnetic Warrior/ Yellow Overtone Star - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 20

Stela 01 Detail.  Bonampak. (c) PARI.

Morning Talk
“Hi, guy,” said I to a robin
perched on a pole in the middle
of the garden. Pink and yellow
firecracker zinnias, rough green
leaves of broccoli,
and deep red tomatoes on dying stems
frame his still presence.

“I’ve heard you’re not
THE REAL ROBIN. Bird watchers have
agreed,” I said.”THE REAL ROBIN
lives in England. They claim
you are misnamed and that we ought
to call you ‘a red-breasted thrush’
because you are

He fluffed up. “Am I not
Jis ko ko?”* he cried, “that persistent
warrior who carries warmth
northward every spring?”
He seemed so young, his red belly
a bit light and his wings, still
faded brown. He watched me
untangling the hose to water squash.

“Look who’s talking!” he chirruped.
“Your people didn’t come
from Europe or even India.
The turtles say you’re a relative
to red clay on this great island.”
Drops of crystal water
sparkled on the squash.

“Indigenous!” he teased
as he flew by.

Roberta Hill

*Jis ko ko is the Iroquoian name for Robin.  In the story, he is a young warrior who confronts the old man of winter.  The old man uses ice and brutal winds to keep Jis ko ko's warmth away from the earth.  When the old man shoots him on the chest with an arrow of ice, the young man bleeds and transforms into the bird.  Even as a bird, he continues his purpose, bringing warm rain and growth - green leaves, flowers and fruit. 


Kin 196: Yellow Magnetic Warrior

I unify in order to question
Attracting fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled.

What we think of as our mind or intelligence is merely a resonant quality of mind that is not contained in our body, brain or nervous system.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2014-2015.

Manipura Chakra

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