Aztec Sun Stone Calendar
As we make our way to the closing of the Yellow Galactic Seed year we are completing the first Light Gate in preparation for entry into the second. It is a time of synthesis and assessment as we prepare for the Red Solar Moon year: the year of emotional purification with the potential for supreme solar healing.
The Sun is the key that breaks the "spell of the Moon (of artificial time)". The Solar age arrives when we emerge as a collective from the Dark Age. Tibetan master Padmasambhava, who brought Buddhism from India to Tibet, predicted that the Dark Age would come with increasing cleverness. We see now that enmeshed in an artificial matrix, our minds run rampant and away from the center/Source while we come up with more and more ways to distract ourselves. Distract ourselves from what? From our own core essence.
Instead of looking inward to understand ourselves, we spend our free time in material pursuit and sensory pleasure. In the artificial world of the technosphere, we become desensitized by machines as compassion decreases and the meaning of our life evades us.
As the pace of our lives accelerates to keep up with technology, we find it harder to rest into the present moment. This creates a society that views things like meditation or spiritual practice as a frivolous activity and escapism from the "real world". When in fact it is in the meditative space of God-contact where all the solutions lie and where true reality is generated.
The Law of Time states that the biggest problem of the human race is alienation from nature: its own true nature which can be remedied by restoring the memory of the 13 Moons. Time shapes space. 13 is the power of time; it is the feminine cycle that allows the 12 to circulate. Correct understanding of Time and Space is key to transforming our world.
The Seed of the New Beam has now been planted, but it is up to each of us to water our garden. This first step is to purify our minds and hearts from conventional beliefs so that the new light codes can penetrate our being.
The synchronic codes of the Law of Time help us to create more space in our minds so that our views and perceptions can become bigger and we can begin to see the patterns of our lives that underlie our conditioned behavior.
In the pulsar geometry, the thirteenth tone represents the conclusion of the fourth-dimensional time pulsar: tones 1-5-9-13, that ready us to take magic flight to open the Second Light Gate!
Kin 240: Yellow Rhythmic Sun
I organize in order to enlighten
Balancing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled.
Ramadan (Islam) begins tonight at sunset. To be the cosmic person is to dwell in and be informed by the Absolute in all matters.*
*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2013-2014.
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