Saturday, December 5, 2015

White Crystal World-Bridger/ White Electric Mirror - Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance, Day 21

Hacha of Acrobat, wearing ball-players' woven belt.
 Papantia, Veracruz, Museum fur Volkerkund, Munich.

White Crystal World-Bridger

Women of the World –
Cross the Crystal Bridge!
Make the journey to the other side
Where all are seen as equal parts
Without a great Divide

Cross over the Bridge
There is great need of you
As we work to save the Planet –
She, the Sacred Feminine, like you
Chaos, death and mayhem
Seem to overcome the Good
Imbalance is the cause –
Dissonance and Greed

Cross over Child-brides and victims
Of incest, rape, violence
Cutting, mutilation, beatings
Binding of feet, hands and mouths
Sex Trading, slavery
Acid-faced, deformed, homeless
Wanderers and refugees
Childless and those killed
By birth trauma, fistula
Or neglect and absent care
Cross – those covered head to foot
Forbidden to speak, move or learn
Masked, lashed, beaten to death
For another’s sin, Cross
Motherless Child and Childless Mother;
Cross, you women buried alive
Burned at the stake, tortured
Ostracized, Murdered without remorse

For you are sacred to the Earth
Each girl, each woman, each Grand Woman
Each the sacred vessel of birth, of life
Each the embodiment of Life and Time

Your Beauty stuns and frightens those
Unacquainted with their own
Soul and Heart
Where Justice lives and Wisdom
Nurturing and Compassion
Beauty and Harmony,
Healthy Instinct to Heal and Guide

Cross over the Crystal Bridge –
Women living and Women Spirits
Cross over the Bridge
To the Great Mother
Let us unite again
Nature and Spirit
Matter and Body
Thought and Feeling
Conscious Mind and Soul
For the sacred Feminine
 Now awakens in All.

©Kleomichele Leeds


Kin 246: White Crystal World-Bridger

I dedicate in order to equalize
Universalizing opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of endlessness.

Mind responds to its own projections.  Mind is all there is; everything that exists is a projection of mind.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2015-2016.

 The Sacred Tzolk'in

Anahata Chakra  (Silio Plasma)

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