Friday, December 21, 2012

Blue Crystal Hand/ Blue Electric Storm - Rhythmic Lizard Moon of Equality, Day 9





A New Cycle Begins - The Fifth Sun


(c) Judith Ann Griffith


Dreamspell:  Blue Crystal Hand  (12 Manik), Kin 207

I dedicate in order to know
Universalizing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of self-generation.
Cube day 3: Night Abundance power.  Solstice (Winter northern/ Summer southern).  Harmonic Convergence 2012 - All day Rainbow Bridge vigil and last day of 9-day vigil for returning time to the sacred round.  Last day of the Wave Harmonic of History, galactic synchronization/acceleration beam (last day of the Great Cycle of History,.  Mayan 13 Baktun count).  216-days to the NEW BEAM.  When a system reaches its limits, this is the point when a new evolutionary state is triggered.*



In 2012, the Earth will experience a dimensional shift.  The programs that had prevailed for the previous 5,000 years will be dissolved.  A new set of precepts will be established within the planetary mind of the noosphere.  This will be the first stage of the new evolutionary being: The superhuman.  This being will be in tune with the sun and with the field of galactic consciousness.  Life will take on Radically different patterns to ground this expanded sphere of consciousness...
When we talk about a dimensional phase shift, we are talking about a shift in the patterns that ultimately affect our relationship to ourselves and the universe.  Whereas in the cycle of history the perceptions were bound by third-dimensional norms of materialism, in the redemption of the galactic future following 2012, we will be functioning as entities now absorbed into a cosmic civilization...
For the Galactic Mayans, this is the fulfillment of a vast engineering project in time.  They could predict all the projections of thought and know exactly when this trajectory of thought would reach a critical mass and affect changes in society and the historical process.  They knew this would mark the climax of history, which would accelerate into a dimensional phase shift.  Now the unprecedented promise of consciously entering a new cycle has begun.  Because the Great or Long Cycle closes, it opens again, becoming the endlessness of cosmic consciousness.
Book of the Cube, Valum Votan and Red Queen



Long Count:  Blue Electric Storm  (3 Cauac), Kin 159

I activate in order to catalyze
Bonding energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of abundance.
Calm indifference refers to bearing the slings and arrows of fate, the criticism and hostility of others, and maintaining equanimity in the face of loss or gain.*
*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2012-2013.


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