Monday, June 25, 2012

Yellow Lunar Star/ Yellow Rhythmic Sun - Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation, Day 27


Jehan Kamal

Women of Algiers by Jean Leon Gerome


Dreamspell:  Yellow Lunar Star  (2 Lamat), Kin 28

I polarize in order to beautify
Stabilizing art
I seal the store of elegance
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of universal fire.

Every 28 days a new marking appears on a dolphin's teeth.  The sun spins once every 28 days (with respect to the Earth), showering particular plasmas and solar radiation toward the Earth.  The female endocrine system runs on a bio-rhythmic solar clock that is approximately 28 days.  There are 28 lunar mansions in traditional astrology.*



Long Count:  Yellow Rhythmic Sun  (6 Ahau), Kin 240

I organize in order to enlighten
Balancing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Galactic signature of Buckminster Fuller, whose work emphasized the primal synergy of the tetrahedron.  As the simplest geometric structure, the tetrahedron is one of the few links that connect the geometry of third-dimensional space with the fractal ratios of fourth-dimensional time.*


*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2011-2012.

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