Sunday, October 2, 2011

White Solar Wind/ White Cosmic Wizard - Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 13


Dancer in the Whirlwind


Dreamspell:  White Solar Wind (9 Ik), Kin 22

I pulse in order to communicate
Realizing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.

Wind corresponds with spirit, breath and communication.  Yogic traditions teach that by stilling the body and breath through asana (body postures) and breath control (pranayama), the mind can be stilled through concentration.  Cube Journey day 7: Hand Accomplishment power.



Long Count:  White Cosmic Wizard  (13 Ix), Kin 234

I endure in order to enchant
Transcending receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of endlessness.

Galactic signature of esotericist Manly P. Hall, Carl Jung and Bhagavan Das.  Before World War II, Carl Jung wrote a controversial essay, "Wotan," in which he argues that Germany, a land of spiritual catastrophes, had been overwhelmed by the archetype of the ancient god Wotan.


*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2011-2012.

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