Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blue Lunar Eagle/Blue Rhythmic Hand - Rhythmic Lizard Moon of Equality, Day 27




Aquateca Jade Ornament

Dreamspell:Blue Lunar Eagle (2 Men), Kin 15

I polarize in order to create
Stabilizing mind
I seal the output of vision
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.

Eagle creates vision and corresponds with the archetype of the visionary or the "Seer."  A seer or visionary is able to penetrate ordinary reality or the world of illusion and immerse him/herself in another reality for a specific purpose, which is , at the highest level, the renewal of the world soul.  Galactic signature of James Joyce (Finnegan's Wake, Ulysses, etc.)*


Long Count:  Blue Rhythmic Hand  (6 Manik), Kin 227

I organize in order to know
Balancing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Hand corresponds to Earth.  Consider that all geometric forms are derived from the fourth-dimensional radial matrix.  All fourth-dimensional functions are radial in nature and imply a principle of center from which the structure is projected.*


*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.

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