Friday, March 12, 2010

Red Crystal Skywalker/ Red Electric Serpent - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 6

Codex Borgia
Dreamspell: Red Crystal Skywalker (12 Ben), Kin 233,

I dedicate in order to explore

Universalizing wakefulness

I seal the output of space

With the crystal tone of cooperation

I am guided by the power of life force.

233 is the 13th number in the Fibonacci series, Skywalker is seal 13. Solar birthday of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, Russian scientist and thinker. He was one of the founders of geochemistry as well as the founder of biogeochemistry, which studies the global activity of living matter (the plurality of organisms). His concept of the biosphere, the mantle of life on the planet, became the apex of his creative work. "The fundamental property of biogeochemical energy is clearly revealed in the growth of free energy in the biosphere within the process of geological time, especially in relation to its transition into the noosphere."*


Long Count: Red Electric Serpent (3 Chicchan), Kin185,

I activate in order to survive

Bonding instinct

I seal the store of life force

With the electric tone of service

I am guided by the power of universal water

I am a polar kin

I establish the red galactic spectrum.

Begin Red Galactic Spectrum: Season of Lifeforce (65-day cycle). Primordial worlds and knowledge must be brought forward in time so the initiates can conduct the rites of initiation. This is conducted by the serpents that dwell beneath the pyramids in the subterranean crypts.*


*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2009.

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