Thursday, October 17, 2024

White Spectral Wind/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 28


11 Ik

White Spectral Wind


When all excess dissolves from fev’rish Day

And Minutes disappear in Metaphor

Then alabaster Bones alone do stay

Supporting one Activity---no more

Necessities expendable become

I meditate entirely on Thee

No other Function takes me from my Home

Not Hunger, Commerce, nor Philosophy

Contemplation truly undertaken

Sustains the Mind, the Body and the Soul

Bliss pervades and Ecstasies awaken

All else is rendered Dross when Thou art Goal


If Naught but Thought of Thee is my Desire

Then neither Death nor Life can quench the Fire.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Red Planetary Dragon/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 27


10 Imix


Red Planetary Dragon



New Moon---


Golden Cuticle

Poised beneath

The Evening Star---


A Shadow ‘round

Your crescent Horn

Belies your Maiden State---


 Transfiguration signified---

Re-birth reborn through the Eastern Gate. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Yellow Solar Sun/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 26


9 Ahau

Yellow Solar Sun


Galileo of the Night Sky

  I sing this Verse for you---


‘Round your Head, a Halo’s made

Of the glowing Nimbus of the Moon---


In the Palm of your Hand

You hold the Sun


When her diurnal Orbit

Of Earth is done---


Galaxies and Stars

Are Home to you


For you alone do hear

The Clarion Call of Truth---


Copernicus and you

Move Heaven and Earth


To lift mediocre Minds of Men--

Mistaken in their Dearth of


Knowledge, erroneous

Views and egocentric Thought---


Raucous Argument and

Persecution come to Naught


For Righteousness with you abides---

Your sidereal

Kingdom is bona fide! 



©Kleomichele Leeds

Monday, October 14, 2024

Blue Galactic Storm/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 25


8 Cauac


Blue Galactic Storm


And so it was…

That Babel’s Tower

Fell into Neglect---

Separating Man

From Man---

Man from Woman


And now it is…

That Babble falls away---

Chaos recedes---

Being takes Form

Time takes Time

Out of Mind


Into Soul

Where it turns

And becomes


Sacred Geometry


Scattered Shards

Of Humanity---



Lost Parts---

I rejoice as

Spirals sing---

Swinging the Cosmos

Around in Sound---

Perfect Harmony

Evolves in Fifths---

Pythagoras knew this!


 © Kleomichele Leeds

10/13/ 2024 White Resonant Mirror/Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 24


7 Etznab


White Resonant Mirror

Rave Song


Pale Streaks amble up an eastern Sky

Ethereal pink–ochre–violet

Dawn arrives---

Irrevocable Proof that Revelry

May postpone Reality

And sometimes Time


We danced the Moon up to her Prime

From a dry Lake Bed---itself a Moonscape

We feel Her move within

The Music and the soft blue Night---

We ride the Constellations

Traveling on Adrenalin and Starlight---


We sang to the Moon as she

Faded into a wan Reflection of

Midnight’s Diamond Glory---

Our Drumbeats echo

Earth’s beating Heart


We came to celebrate---

Retrieve and consecrate

Our resonant Connection

To Earth’s pale Sister Moon---

She hangs low and westerly

When finally, we leave---

The Day begins, but we are finished.



©Kleomichele Leeds


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Red Rhythmic Earth/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 23


6 Caban


Red Rhythmic Earth


Golden Bee

On Spruce on Pine

Drinking Nectar---

Pulling Syrup

From the Blossom


Ivy twines ‘round

Berry Bush---

Black-eyed Susans

Never rush


Pebble, Shell, and Wood

Drift in from Sea

Decorating Sand

In random Jocularity---

Waves whisper and fall

On Rhythms fine-tuned---

In Earth’s constant Call

To her pale Sister Moon.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, October 11, 2024

Yellow Overtone Warrior/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 22



5 Cib


Yellow Overtone Warrior 


Alchemical Silvering


Out of Black


Into Blue---


Nigredo to Indigo---


Indigo Blue---


Coalescent Radiance


Death into Life---


Mind purified---




Field unified---


All healed. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Blue Self-Existing Eagle/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 21

4 Men


Blue Self-Existing Eagle


Blue Eagle, do you hear the call

Singing through the Oak and Pine---

 Whispering Tendrils on the Vine?

My Voice---a faint Murmur in the Night

Kissing you softly awake


Blue Eagle, do you hear the Song

Floating on a misty Mountainside

Rushing down a narrow Waterfall

Up the lazy River of your Spine

Like a lovely Lotus Blossom?


Blue Eagle, do you hear the Sound

Crowning and surrounding you

Sighing for your Soul

To learn its Language?


Blue Eagle, do you hear the Drum

Signaling the Rhythm of your Days

As you become the Master of your Fate?

Blue Eagle, mark the Measure of your Glory

Embrace the Grandeur of your Story---





©Kleomichele Leeds


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

White Electric Wizard/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 20

3 Ix


White Electric Wizard


In Dreams

She appears---

When the Veil

Is most transparent


Vesica Pisces*

Sacred Vessel of the Sea----

Hoop of two full Moons

Interfacing each other


Sacred Portal is She

Out of Duality into Reality

Into Unity---

The Absolute


Clan Initiate

Am I now---

Given the Mission

For which I’ve prayed


Mystae and Woman Wise

Full of Poetry and Motion

Pregnant with a Zeitgeist---

Mediatrix of a Vision.



*Sacred Geometry: a pointed oval shape resulting from the intersection of two circles. Used in medieval art and sculpture, especially to enclose a figure of Jesus Christ or the Madonna.



©Kleomichele Leeds


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Red Lunar Moon/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 20

2 Muluc


Red Lunar Moon

Moving from her Shadow

Phase of Invisibility---

Lingering until she re-appears---

A splendid  Silver Cuticle


Moon’s sacred Dance---

 Night’s grand

 Spectacle of---

Constant Inconstancy


Consort to the Sun’s mythic Lore---

Host to Star---clad Skies

Inspiration for Lovers---

And Poets evermore. 


©Kleomichele Leeds


Monday, October 7, 2024

Yellow Magnetic Star/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 19


1 Lamat


Yellow Magnetic Star


A golden Star

Sits at the Center

Of our Forehead--- 



Wise Ones follow

That Eastern Star

Of the Ajna Chakra for

 Intuition and Guidance--- 


Each of us

Travels there to find

Inner Peace---


This Golden Star

Leads without fail---

To the better Angels---

To our Holy Grail.  


©Kleomichele Leeds



Sunday, October 6, 2024

Blue Cosmic Hand/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 18

13 Manik 


Blue Cosmic Hand


Into the wild Sea

I dive---

Into the wild Wave


One with the open Sky

Am I

One with an open Wing---


Into the Forest green

I wander

Into a mountain Spring---


I am One with these

Sea---Sky, and Wood---

Fierce and free like these am I


The Rhythm of Nature


Is replicate in me


For I am this

Dancing Magic---

Calling forth the Soul in Thee. 


©Kleomichele Leeds


Saturday, October 5, 2024

White Crystal Dog/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 16


12 Oc


 White Crystal Dog


                                                        Beyond all Saints and Sages                  

Above Fear and Philosophy

Past Word and Image ---


Through burning Rages---

Melancholy Stages

Resolving into Pages

Whereupon I pour my Soul


My Heart beats

In the sacred Alembic---

Transforming into an Alchemy

Where only Love can be. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, October 4, 2024

Red Spectral Moon/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 15


11 Muluc


 Red Spectral Moon

Red Moon---

Gibbous Globe

Dissolving into Space


Pure Universal Water---

Planetary Bliss

 Evolving into Unity


Earth’s incandescent Sister---

Great Crown of Night

Wide-flowing Gown of Light.   


©Kleomichele Leeds


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Yellow Planetary Star/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day 14


10 Lamat


Yellow Planetary Star


If Time is Art

Then Sun---Thou art

Perfection’s Star


Shining Elegance

 Light’s Author---

Wisdom’s Anchor

 Beauty manifest---

Spirit’s descent

Into Matter


Animating Plants and Planets





©Kleomichele Leeds


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Blue Solar Hand/ Electric Deer Moon of Service, Day13


9 Manik


Blue Solar Hand


Be brave---believe in Her----know Her

For She is the Bones of Life

Forming the Links---

Connecting the Parts


She drinks your Tears

And from them makes

New Flesh---firm and warm 

From this, She re-creates all Form


She uses your Heart---

Its pounding, thrumming Drum

To seed the Colors of Life

To dance and sing its Song


Life---Death---Life is She I

Eternal Turn/ Re---turn---

She is the Drama of Destiny

She is the healing  within Me. 


©Kleomichele Leeds