Saturday, June 29, 2024

6/26/2024 Red Lunar Moon/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 28


2 Muluc


Red Lunar Moon

Moving from her dark

Phase of Invisibility---

Lingering until she re-appears as---

A splendid cuticle of Silver


Moon’s sacred Dance---

One of Night’s

Grand Spectacles---

Constant Inconstancy


Consort to the Sun---

Host to Star-clad Skies

Inspiration for Lovers---

And Poets evermore. 


©Kleomichele Leeds


6/25/2024 Yellow Magnetic Star/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 27


1 Lamat


Yellow Magnetic Star


A golden Star

Shines at the Center

Of our Forehead--- 



Wise Ones follow

The Eastern Star

Of this Ajna Chakra---

 Intuition and Guidance 


Each of us

Travels there to find

Inner Peace---


This Golden Star

Leads without fail---

To the better Angels---

Our Holy Grail. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

6/24/2024 Blue Cosmic Hand/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 26


13 Manik


Blue Cosmic Hand

The Hand that rocks the Cradle

Is the Hand of Womankind


 She who bears the Fruit

 She who feeds Mankind


Upon each Moon Blood flows

Fresh In Moon’s blue Fire---


Numinous Blood

Streaming monthly exact

From the Wound that never kills---


Marking the Mystery of

 Time and Life’s Rhythm

For a Gender entire. 


©Kleomichele Leeds


6/23/2024 White Crystal World-Bridger/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 25

12 Cimi


White Crystal World-Bridger


Grandmother Spider weaves

While Space/Time waits---


Preparing for Re-birth

Soul spins a Body

Descending then to Earth---


Held by Threads Invisible

Silver ---delicate

Woven on the Loom Maya*---


Sacred Pattern delicate

Holding Codes of Origin

Binding us to Fate.



©Kleomichele Leeds 

*Tzolk’in: Sacred Mayan Calendar -- Pieces of the Sun/Count of Days, the Tzolk’in is a sacred radio-genetic resonant transformer reflecting the creation codes of the Cosmos in 260 units containing all possible permutations  of 13 Tones and 20 Hieroglyphs.

Friday, June 28, 2024

6/22/2028 Red Spectral Serpent/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 24


11 Chicchan



Red Spectral Serpent

Spectral Serpent Am I---

Radiant Wise

Full of Earth’s insight---

Lightning from Skies


Chthonic Container---

Symbol of Spine---

  Healing Archetype---

 Goddess Divine


Liberator/ Protector

Venerable Entity

Denizen of the Deeps

Interpreter of Mystery. 


©Kleomichele Leeds

6/21/2024 Yellow Planetary Seed/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 23


10 Kan 



Yellow Planetary Seed

It is Accomplished ---

The Planting of

A Planetary Seed

In the fertile Ground

Of Consciousness


Soon the Shell

Will open


A tender Blade

To search for Light---


The Light of

Cosmic Codes

In floating Photons---


By Night a Seedling

Gathers Strength---

By Day it grows

Into Patterns fractal---

Designed around the Birth

Of Love---



©Kleomichele Leeds

6/20/2024 Blue Solar Night/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 22


9 Akbal



Blue Solar Night

Blue Solar Nights pass

Rife with dreams---

Body sleeps

While Soul’s beam hovers over

An infinite Ocean of Light and Sound---


Into Realms of Astral Theater

To the Underworld itself---

A vast Unconscious Canopy

Of Sign, Symbol, and Imagery---


Then up from Slumber

Consciousness rises

Holding fast to Wisps and Whispers

From an ever-healing Soul.


©Kleomichele Leeds

6/19/2023 White Galactic Wind/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 21


8 IK


White Galactic Wind

Listen to Trees

Playing Symphonies

On the Wind---


Gaze at Wild Grasses


In pellucid Respiration---


Wind’s breath carries Spirit---

The life---giving Rhythm

Of sentient Beings


All replicate

Our Planet’s breath---

A sacred Rhythm of her Inhalation

And Exhalation--- 


©Kleomichele Leeds


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Red Resonant Dragon/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 20


7 Imix


Red Resonant Dragon


From the vast Maw of the Sacred Dragon’s Jaw

We are borne---

From great Cauldrons of Light

And Sound---


Out of the Vacuum

Are we carried

Into a Cosmos---

Into a Galaxy---

Stepped down---transduced




Only an invisible Cord

Attaches us---The Zuvuya connects

Our Solar Plexus Nexus

To the Origin of Soul

Finally, we land again embodied

On the Planet.



©Kleomichele Leeds

6/17/2024 Yellow Rhythmic Sun/ Crystal Rabbit Moon, Day 19


6 Ahau 


Yellow Rhythmic Sun


Leaden Clouds dissolve

 Into Storm and Snow---


 Sun appears---

Enchanting Warm

With universal Fire


Before unseen

Golden Hills awaken---

Revealing green---


Sunflowers blossom---

 Faces swivel Westward

Following a Rhythmic Sun

Under the Turquoise Sky.


©Kleomichele Leeds



Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blue Overtone Storm/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 18


5 Cauac


Blue Overtone Storm


When Bombs fall

Babies cannot bear

The  Shock


When Bombs fall

Homes are blown away

Where Children sleep and play


Small fragile Bodies

  Bleed instantly

Delicate Skin tears easily


When Bombs fall

 Babies’ Eardrums break

They cannot tolerate

The deafening Storm---


Trauma/ Pain/ Blood/ Shock/ Death

Who will save the Babies

When Bombs fall?


©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, June 15, 2024

White Self-Existing Mirror/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 17


4 Cimi


White Self---Existing World---Bridger


Like Ice on winter Roses

Or frosted Dew on Grass---

My Heart Melts


Only the Stone

Remains in Place

Outside the Tomb


But like a Cloud

The Boulder floats away---

She is risen!


The Angel in your voice---

It’s Tone and Timbre

Start my Heartbeat---


A Resurrection of Affection---

Wordless Communion



A past Affair---

After a bitter Death---Life

Brought to present Time


In Forgiveness---


And Gratitude sublime.


©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, June 14, 2024

Red Electric Earth/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 16


Red Electric Earth

On Crop Circles:  Hieroglyphs in the Fields

At the far Edge of Consciousness

Where Heart of Earth meets Heart of Sky

The Circles appear---

Magnificent Mysteries

Like veiled Women waiting---


Serenely profound---

Woven of Grain and Mist---

Displaying Numinous Artistry

Sacred to Grain Goddesses

From Time immemorial---


In Fields, they lay---

Mystical Puzzles

Shrouding symbolic Languages

Of a new Age of the Goddess---

Music made visible


Stepped down in Frequency

To nourish our Souls---

For these are Soul’s Food---

Inklings and Intimations

Given freely in the Night

For our imminent Evolution

Into Beings of Light.



©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Yellow Lunar Warrior/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 15


2 Cib

Yellow Lunar Warrior

From Rome to Byzantium

The Poet sings

Glories of Arthur

 And Bardic Kings---


Beowulf of Denmark

Roland de France

And Charlemagne with

Swords of Romance


Warriors of Persia---

Greece and Egypt---

Ancient Mesopotamia

Where Gilgamesh fought


These Epic Tales

Praise Warriors of Yore---

Heroes in Battle

Become Legend and Lore


Here is the Mark of Mnemosyne---

 Mother of Muses---Cultural Memory

With her daughters Kleo and Kalliope

Keeping for Posterity

Beloved History---Identity

High poetic Art

Sung for Days---

 Known always by Heart.

©Kleomichele Leeds

6/12/2024 Blue Magnetic Eagle/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 14

1 Men

Blue Magnetic Eagle


From a high Aerie

I rise and soar

Exploring the crystal Sky---

Honing my Eye to the Land below---


Of the Highlands am I born---

Pine and Birch, my Lair---

Over cool Water, I wheel and climb

Through limpid mountain Air


 Blue Eagle, am I

The Rapturous Raptor---

Farsighted Seer of Visions

And Dreams of Future Past. 


©Kleomichele Leeds