Monday, March 31, 2014

Yellow Solar Human/ Yellow Cosmic Seed - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 25

Yumil Kaxob - The Maize God

Yellow Cosmic Seed

The endurance
Of a Seed –
Compact Promise
Concealed Precision 
Dormant Possibility –

Within Acorn –
A Forest entire
An Empire of Trees
Fruit and Seeds
To feed the Nations –

So one conscious Mind
Fully nurtured and awake
Might move us
From Despair to Joy –
Blindness to clear Sight

Leading us away
From Grief and Fear
Guiding us with Grace
To the Tree of Life
In a Garden of Delight.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blue Galactic Monkey/ Blue Crystal Night - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 24

A Maya King, Xultan, Guatemala

Blue Crystal Night

Double Vision
Found in Dreams
Gives Access
To internal Scenes –
Telling Psyche’s Story
In symbolic Allegory

These Elements of Drama –
Conflict – Plot and Play
Performed throughout
A long dark Night
To reconcile the Day.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Saturday, March 29, 2014

White Resonant Dog/ White Spectral Wind - Solar Jaguar Wind of Intention, Day 23


White Spectral Wind

White Clouds
Or Gray or Silver-lined

Seem Wind
Made visible and fair

The Wedding
Of Water and Air

White Cloud
Spirit Breath

Dissolving in
Blessings of Rain

Fleeting Illusion
In Perpetual Motion

Constant Change –
The only Certainty.

©Kleomichele Leeds

Friday, March 28, 2014

Red Rhythmic Moon/ Red Planetary Dragon - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 22

Red Planetary Dragon

Red Dragon
Red Road
Red River
Red Earth

Giver of Birth
And Re-birth

Universal Water falls –
Evolving into
High Dimension
Initiate – Perfect – Ascend
Now comprehend
The Language of the Gods –

©Kleomichele Leeds

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yellow Overtone Star/ Yellow Solar Sun - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 21

Yellow Bird

Into my Dream
Flew a yellow Bird –
A Rose upon each Wing

The Rose was pink
And I did think it odd
This Coloring

The Bird came close
As if to speak
In Awe I shut my Eyes

Then did I feel
A Tongue so small
So loving lick my Cheek.

 (c) Kleomichele Leeds


And Moon
Pyramids of Stone –
Heart’s Fire –- Dust unto
Dust – Immortal Toltec Gods –
Creation’s ancient Glyph & Tone –
Sacred flaming Gift to Quetzalcoatl –
Plumed Serpent – Symbol of a Shaman’s Crown

I ride
The moaning
 Wind to the Summit –
Phoenix rising from the Ashes
Past Lives renewed and reincarnated –
Who has climbed these Heights, never to descend?

Has prayed
Here to gods of Fear –
 And Desperation?  Echoes hum
Sung by Souls gone long ago to Rest –
 Gentle Patience resonates in Silent shining Stars
Watching the dubious Progress of Man –
. How miniscule are these great
 Structures to the wide
 Eye of Heaven?
The Sun or

©Kleomichele Leeds

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blue Self-Existing Hand/ Blue Galactic Storm - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 20

Roman statue of Erato, 2nd century AD.
The muse is depicted playing the kithara or lyre.


Alchemical Blues move into Red

Psyche and Eros arise and fly

From Soul to Soul –

From Eye to Eye

My Heart swells like a newborn Sun

Under the vault of Heaven –

The great Sea shines in violet Light –

It is the End of Endless Night.
©Kleomichele Leeds

*Erato: the Muse/Goddess of lyric and erotic poetry; she is one of the nine Muses who inspire every kind of verse as well as all forms of artistic expression.

**Psyche and Eros: archetypal lovers whose story symbolizing the development, healing and integration of feminine consciousness.  Psyche personifies the individualization of consciousness out of oceanic Aphrodite’s cosmic feminine principle.  Psyche (Soul) must perform exacting and seemingly impossible tasks before she is able to re-unite with her beloved Eros, the God of Love.  Their sacred marriage engenders not only psychological wholeness, but also the birth of their offspring – Pleasure. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

White Electric World-Bridger/ White Resonant Mirror - Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, Day 19

White Resonant Mirror

A glass Heart breaks
In Soul’s Mirror-Hall –
One Fragment deflecting
 Reflecting All

Each Hologram echoes
 Mind/Time/Space/Number –
 Rhythms unique
    Rhymes equally rare

 Metaphor this Earth-life
  Every Scene Projection –
Desire profound
 In Karma bound  

Our Joy and Pain
 Life’s tragic End –
All Illusion and Drama
By Playwrights penned –

Heal and make Whole
Earth – Humankind
Through Compassion – Forgiveness
 True Peace of Mind.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3/6/14 Blue Planetary Hand/ Blue Magnetic Storm - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 28

3/5/14 White Solar World-Bridger/ White Cosmic Mirror - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 27

3/4/14 Red Galactic Serpent/ Red Crystal Earth - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 26

3/3/14 Yellow Resonant Seed/ Yellow Spectral Warrior - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 25

3/2/14 Blue Rhythmic Night/ Blue Planetary Eagle - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 24

3/1/14 White Overtone Wind/ White Solar Wizard - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 23

2/28/14 Red Self-Existing Dragon/ Red Galactic Skywalker - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 22

2/27/14 Yellow Electric Sun/ Yellow Resonant Human - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 21

2/26/14 Blue Lunar Storm/ Blue Rhythmic Monkey - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 20

2/25/14 White Magnetic Mirror/ White Overtone Dog - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 19

2/24/14 Red Cosmic Earth/ Red Self-Existing Moon - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 18

2/23/14 Yellow Crystal Warrior/ Yellow Electric Star - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 17

2/22/14 Blue Spectral Eagle/ Blue Lunar Hand - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 16

2/21/14 White Planetary Wizard/ White Magnetic World-Bridger - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 15

2/20/14 Red Solar Skywalker/ Red Cosmic Serpent - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 14

2/19/14 Yellow Galactic Human/ Yellow Crystal Seed - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 13

2/18/14 Blue Resonant Monkey/ Blue Spectral Night - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 12

2/17/14 White Rhythmic Dog/ White Planetary Wind - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 11

2/16/14 Red Overtone Moon/ Red Solar Dragon - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 10

2/15/14 Yellow Self-Existing Star/ Yellow Galactic Sun - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 9

2/14/14 Blue Electric Hand/ Blue Resonant Storm - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 8

2/13/14 White Lunar World-Bridger/ White Rhythmic Mirror - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 7

2/12/14 Red Magnetic Serpent/ Red Overtone Earth - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 6

2/11/14 Yellow Cosmic Seed/ Yellow Self-Existing Warior - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 5

2/10/14 Blue Crystal Night/ Blue Electric Eagle - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 4

2/9/14 White Spectral Wind/ White Lunar Wizard - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 3

2/8//14 Red Planetary Dragon/ Red Magnetic Skywalker - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 2

2/7/14 Yellow Solar Sun/ Yellow Cosmic Human - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 1

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2/6/14 Blue Galactic Storm/ Blue Crystal Monkey - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 28

2/5/14 White Resonant Mirror/ White Spectral Dog - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 27

2/4/14 Red Rhythmic Earth/ Red Planetary Moon - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 26

2/3/14 Yellow Overtone Warrior/ Yellow Solar Star - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 25

2/2/14 Blue Self-Existing Eagle/ Blue Galactic Hand - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 24


2/1/14 White Electric Wizard/ White Resonant World-Bridger - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 23

1/31/14 Red Lunar Skywalker/ Red Rhythmic Serpent - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 22

1/30/14 Yellow Magnetic Human/ Yellow Overtone Seed - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 21

1/29/14 Blue Cosmic Monkey/ Blue Self-Existing Night - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 20

1/28/14 White Crystal Dog/ White Electric Wind - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 19

1/27/14 Red Spectral Moon/ Red Lunar Dragon - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 18

1/26/14 Yellow Planetary Star/ Yelllow Magnetic Sun - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 17

1/25/14 Blue Solar Hand/ Blue Cosmic Storm - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 16

1/24/14 White Galactic World -Bridger/ White Crystal Mirror - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 15

1/23/14 Red Resonant Serpent/ Red Spectral Earth - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 14

1/22/14 Yellow Rhythmic Seed/ Yellow Planetary Warrior - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 13

1/21/14 Blue Overtone Night/ Blue Solar Eagle - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunment, Day 12

1/20/14 - White Self-Existing Wind/ White Galactic Wizard - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 11

1/19/14 Red Electric Dragon/ Red Resonant Skywalker - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 10

1/18/14 Yellow Lunar Sun/ Yellow Rhythmic Human - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 9

1/17/14 Blue Magnetic Storm/ Blue Overtone Monkey - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 8

1/16/14 White Cosmic Mirror/ White Self-Existing Dog - Resonsnt Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 7

1/15/13 Red Crystal Earth/ Red Electric Moon - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day6

1/14/14 Yellow Spectral Warrior/ Yellow Lunar Star - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 5


1/13/14 Blue Planetary Eagle/ Blue Magnetic Hand - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 4

1/12/14 White Solar Wizard/ White Cosmic World-Bridger, Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 3

1/11/14 Red Galactic Skywalker/ Red Crystal Serpent, Resonant Monkay Moon of Attunement, Day 2

1/10/14 Yellow Resonant Human/ Yellow Spectral Seed, Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement, Day 1