Monday, June 10, 2024

Red Crystal Skywalker/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 12


12 Ben

Red Crystal Skywalker

 I gaze eastward

Toward the Mountains

From the Desert where I live---

White crystal Blankets

Soften granite Cliffs---


This Quality of tempering

Pervades when Snow descends---

Stark tree Limbs gain Dimension

Green Pine and Holly

Turn joyous and jocund---


Smooth, soothing White

On the Earth under Snow

Echoes a Shift alchemical---

The Soul’s Albedo

Out of leaden Black

Depression---the Dark Night


Turns into Blue of Indigo---

 Relief---Respite during

 Psyche’s Transformation

From Darkness into Light.


©Kleomichele Leeds

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