Saturday, June 29, 2024

6/23/2024 White Crystal World-Bridger/ Crystal Rabbit Moon of Dedication, Day 25

12 Cimi


White Crystal World-Bridger


Grandmother Spider weaves

While Space/Time waits---


Preparing for Re-birth

Soul spins a Body

Descending then to Earth---


Held by Threads Invisible

Silver ---delicate

Woven on the Loom Maya*---


Sacred Pattern delicate

Holding Codes of Origin

Binding us to Fate.



©Kleomichele Leeds 

*Tzolk’in: Sacred Mayan Calendar -- Pieces of the Sun/Count of Days, the Tzolk’in is a sacred radio-genetic resonant transformer reflecting the creation codes of the Cosmos in 260 units containing all possible permutations  of 13 Tones and 20 Hieroglyphs.

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