Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blue Lunar Night/ Blue Rhythmic Eagle - Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, Day 19

New Cycle of Galactic Time.

Great Blue Heron

I drive past him each day in the swamp where he stands
on one leg, hunched as if dreaming of his own form
the surface reflects. Often I nearly forget to turn left,
buy fish and wine, be home in time to cook and chill.
Today the bird stays with me, as if I am moving through
the heron’s dream to share his sky or water—places
he will rise into on slow flapping wings or where
his long bill darts to catch unwary frogs. I’ve seen
his slate blue feathers lift him as dangling legs
fold back, I’ve seen him fly through the dying sun
and out again, entering night, entering my own sleep.
I only know this bird by a name we’ve wrapped him in,
and when I stand on my porch, fish in the broiler,
wine glass sweating against my palm, glint of sailboats
tacking home on dusky water, I try to imagine him
slowly descending to his nest, wise as he was
or ever will be, filling each moment with that moment’s
act or silence, and the evening folds itself around me.



Kin 223: Blue Lunar Night

I polarize in order to dream
Stabilizing intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of vision.

Cosmic sky teachings accommodate every single stage and phase
of spiritual growth as well as the evolutionary stages of life and consciousness simultaneously on all world systems.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2014-2015.

Visshudha Chakra

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