Saturday, September 4, 2010

Red Rhythmic Moon/ Red Planetary Dragon - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 13

Mayan Textile
Dreamspell: Red Rhythmic Moon (6 Muluc), Kin 149
I organize in order to purify
Balancing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.
Day of balance and purification. Experience the flow, purification and communion with the elements. Purification of mind and body are essential to experience the telepathic impulses that electronically saturate the Earth. Celebrate your purification as the flow that never ceases and the Divine essence that never dies. Galactic signature of Aldous Huxley (Doors of Perception).*
Long Count: Red Planetary Dragon (10 Imix), Kin 101
I perfect in order to nurture
Producing being
I seal the input of birth
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of universal water.
Magic Turtle Day. Note that today's Elder Futhark Rune if Flaming Abundance. Open to receive the manifestation of the abundance of the universe. This Dragon day denotes birth or something coming into being.*
*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.

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