Thursday, September 16, 2010

Red Overtone Dragon/ Red Solar Skywalker - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge, Day 25

Time = Art
"If there is something to steal, I steal it!" Pablo Picasso
Nahuatl from the Fejervery-Mayer Codex
Dreamspell: Red Overtone Dragon (5 Imix), Kin 161
I empower in order to nurture
Commanding being
I seal the input of birth
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of universal water.
Today is a very Neptunian day. Dragon corresponds with G/K Neptune and the psi chrono unit, 1 Mirror, corresponds with S/P Neptune. The count of the number of moons orbiting Neptune is currently 13. The methane gas on Neptune gives the planet its blue color because the gas absorbs red light and reflects the blue back into space. World Ozone Day.*
Long Count: Red Solar Skywalker (9 Ben), Kin 113
I pulse in order to explore
Realizing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of universal water
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me.
Tone 9, Seal 13 = 9.13 - Sign of Lord of the Dawn (Quetzalcoatl), Sura 113 of the Quran is Lord of the Dawn. Galactic signature of Martian Jimi Hendrix. "...Jimi Hendrix, a person from another time and another place, sent to us as a messenger of love, peace and freedom...he possessed a vast knowledge of other planets...and told me he had been here before in other forms and as other people..." (Curtis Knight).*
*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2010.

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