Sunday, July 4, 2010

June 26, 2010 - Blue Magnetic Storm/Blue Overtone Monkey - Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation, Day 28

________________________________________________ Blue Magnetic Storm (1 Cauac), Kin 79,, I unify in order to catalyze Attracting energy I seal the matrix of self-generation With the magnetic tone of purpose I am guided by my own power doubled. Full moon. Rainbow Bridge Meditation. Enter Storm Wavespell (7) of Self-generation. Remember that you have the power to fully self-regenerate. Note how the power of self-generation works in nature: some animals can re-grow parts of their bodies if damaged. Starfish can grow new arms; glow-worms can re-grow broken-off tails, lizards can grow new tails, and yogis can grow new teeth.* _______________________________________________ Blue Overtone Monkey (5 Chuen), Kin 31,, I empower in order to play Commanding illusion I seal the process of magic With the overtone tone of radiance I am guided by the power of self-generation. Today is the 288th day of the 13 moon year. 288 is the harmonic of polar light. Psi chrono is 12 Hand, (12/21/2012). This signifies that by the end of the cycle the earth's poles will be harmonically stabilized.* ________________________________________________ *Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2009.

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