Monday, February 8, 2010

Red Rhythmic Dragon/ Red Planetary Skywalker - Galactic Hawk Moon Day 2

Codex Borgia
Dreamspell: Red Rhythmic Dragon: (6 Imix), Kin 201,

I organize in order to nurture

Balancing being

I seal the input of birth

With the rhythmic tone of equality

I am guided by my own power doubled.

"Moon out of time," referring to the Rhythmic Moon (12/13/2012 to 1/9/2013). 12/21/2012 occurs on the ninth day of the "Moon out of time." Note that 12/13/2012 is a New Moon. Today is the solar birthday of Eliphas Levi (1810), French magician and philosopher: "On the elevation of woman the world's redemption and salvation hinge. And not until woman bursts the bonds of her sexual slavery, to which she has ever been subjected, will the world obtain an inkling of what she really is and of her proper place in the economy of nature."*


Long Count: Red Planetary Skywalker (10 Ben), Kin 153,

I perfect in order to explore

Producing wakefulness

I seal the output of space

With the planetary tone of manifestation

I am guided by the power of birth

I am a galactic activation portal

Enter me.

The Skywalker explores space. Space is an infinitely locatable point. Consider this: from the point of view of fourth-dimensional time, planet Earth is another manifestation of space as an infinitely locatable point, an orbiting body upon which all the programs of cosmic time can unfold.*

*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2009.

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