Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Red Magnetic Moon/ Red Overtone Dragon - Galactic Hawk Moon, Day 10

Dreamspell: Red Magnetic Moon (1 Muluc), Kin 209, http://www.lawoftime.org/
I unify in order to purify
Attracting flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled.
Enter Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of Synchronization. Begin Moon Wavespell (17) of Universal Water/Purification. Good day to begin a 13-day purification program. In the Dreamspell Cosmology, Kin 209 would be the 209th moon after 1997. Kin 209 is fractally set to recur as the 28 days of the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Galactic Seed year, 2013 - the "sounding of the galactic fifth force chord."*
Long Count: Red Overtone Dragon (5 Imix), Kin 161, http://www.calleman.com/
I empower in order to nurture
Commanding being
I seal the input of birth
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of universal water.
Today is a very Neptunian day. The kin of the day, Dragon is G/K Neptune and the psi chrono unit, 1 Mirror is S/P Neptune. Note that the count of moons orbiting Neptune has just reached 13. The methane gas on Neptune gives the planet its blue color because the gas absorbs red light and reflects the blue back into space.*
*Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, Galactic Research Institute, Law of Time Press, Ashland, Oregon, 2009.

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